Memories of an Angel.

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3rd POV:

A white haired male was falling into the the demon realm,his eyes opened looking up at the sky with his dead eyes that heald no emotions not even caring about what just happened a few minutes ago.

Flash back
As the purple eyed male looked at the supreme deity his 'mother' as she told him to call her with anger not just to her but to his so called sister.

"Y-your really going to try and take my wings away for what because some bitch told you I killed some angel and helped a demon child!!"

The white-ette shouted at his so called mother and was letting out his curse energy making the angel around him ready there weapon's.

"You are not worthy to be known as the child of the supreme deity you filth I did not create such a sickening creature so you will be executed!!!"She shouted the last part as the purple eyed male glared at the girl at the deity's side acting like she had done nothing wrong.

The male pulled out his blades as they flew at all the angel in the room killing all the weak ones but scratched a few of the higher angel's.

The former angel opened his four beautiful wings and smashed through the window flying out of the building when one of the archangels that was sent by the ruler of the Goddess clan tried slicing off his four beautiful wings only to be stopped by the boy saying one word.

"Stop."Ludociel tried moving only to feel tremendous pain flowing through him as the male turned around coming face to face with the now fallen angel his two left wings slowly changed color from it's beautiful white and gold tips to a dark purple with red tips.

"You really think I'm going to let that women take my wings just like that ha!"The male shouted as he put his heeled boots agent's the angels face pushing his head done.

"I'll have to kill-"before he could finish his sentence the other four archangels came to help the friend.

Meal came close enough to attack but got stopped by the same command as Ludociel as he stared shock at the former child of there ruler this is what the white-ette is really capable of.

The others came and tried there double team move to take out the white haired male but it was stopped when the male just flicked his wrist blasting the attack away but to his surprise a very powerful lighting built struck him making his power fail as the two archangel's flew back word's as the last thing the male saw was his so called sister with her hand out with some smoke coming out.

End of flashback.

1st POV:

"If I ever have the chance I'm going to kill you sister"

I said as I opened my newly colored wings as I flapped them looking around to see I'm in the demon world my clothes were not fully burned from that lighting strike that damn bitch gave me.

So I was just flying around trying to find a place to stay for now till the bitc-i mean my mother stop's sending her little pets after me.

500 years later POV change to Melodies.

Why the hell are there more angels then usual when me and the ten commandments were on a look out we found about 30 angels so far but what was strange is when we went to attack they tried to fly away and when some of them flow away we could see them looking for something or maybe someone.

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