Two Sets of Blue Eyes

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"So you're saying you had the best night of your life being fucked out of your mind, BUT YOU CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT THEY EVEN LOOK LIKE!?"

My friend Jasmine has always hated Conner, and was so happy to find out that I both dumped his sorry ass and got laid. But she was utterly pissed when I told her that I couldn't remember who I was with.

All I can remember about the night I had was that I had my brains thoroughly fucked out, something medal and two sets of blue eyes.

"No I can't remember what they look like, trust me I've tried," I sigh as we walk in to agency.

"Lieutenant y/l/n."

"Director Fury," I stop and face him.

"You and Ms. Kase are needed in the lab," he says, "please be there in ten."

"Yes sir," I nod before quickly heading to the lab with Jasmine.

We take the stairs up to the seventh floor, and scan our key cards to get in the lab.

"Why can we never take the elevator again?" Jasmine whines, "my feet are killing me now."

"One, it helps us stay in good shape," I raise a brow at her, "and two, maybe stop wearing four inch heels and pencil skirts and it wouldn't be as bad."

"I'm a lab tech not an agent like you," she counters going to her seat after putting on her lab coat, "I don't need to stay in shape."

I roll my eyes and take off my jacket, putting it on one of the hooks.

"Y/n, good to see you again," Dr. Sou greets me as he walks into the lab, "these should be the last of the tests we need to run and you should be able to stay away from the lab for a while."

"Well that's good," I grin, "I should be able to get back out in the field right?"

"Yes, but Fury said he would be assigning you to a new team," Sou says as he starts tapping at his keyboard.

"I'm fine with that," I shrug, "as long as I can get back to work."

"Good," he smiles at me, "go ahead and change then get in the testing unit."

"Will do," I grab my suit and go into the small bathroom to change.

"Will do," I grab my suit and go into the small bathroom to change

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The black and red latex fits snugly, yet allows me to move easily.

"Ready to go?" Jasmine asks as I step into the big glass room with Tesla coils in each corner.

"Ready to go," I grin before pulling my mask up.

"Alright, starting test in 3... 2... 1...," Sou counts down and then the fun begins.


Steve and Bucky sit with the rest of the team, waiting for Fury to come and make his announcement.

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