1. The calling

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*beep beep beep*

I had just woken up to my alarm going off. Ugh great, another day at work. I was supposed to be in college since I was 19, but I wasn't because I didn't really want to do anything that had to do with school. I was a nail tech in New York. I was good at it, but I was kind of losing my passion for it.

My first appointment was at 9:30 and it takes me 20 minutes to walk there and it was 8, so I kind of needed to hurry up. I jumped up and went to my closet. It took me a minute but I pieced it together

 It took me a minute but I pieced it together

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I wore this and did some light makeup. I then curled my hair a little bit. Suddenly, I heard a boom and some screaming outside. I ran to my window and saw a crowd of people running. Me being the person I am, I ran down my apartment stair and went out into the street. I looked towards the area where people were running away from. I couldn't see anything. I saw smoke and fire coming out of a building. Suddenly, I saw people jumping off of buildings. New York was flooded with screams at this point. Everyone was running, and suddenly, I got pushed over by someone. I tried getting up but I was in so much shock, that it was hard for me to Lyft my body up. I laid there for a minute. Till I suddenly heard a voice.

???- hey are you okay?

I couldn't say anything. All the screams were freaking me out.

???- hey cmon. Let's Go. I gotcha

He said lifting me up. Suddenly, someone jumped off the building next to us and 20 steps away from us was someone dead.

???- shit

He whispered

???- cmon let's go

We both started running . Everyone was screaming and pushing each other when we got into an intersection.

Y/n- Y

Y- what do we do?

He looked around and stopped when he saw a sewer.

???- you mind getting dirty?

Y- oh fuck no, I'm not doing that!

Suddenly another boom went off

???- you sure about that?

Y- nope

We both ran to the sewer and he took off the cover.

???- you go in first

I did so. I jumped in.

Y- smells like shit down here

Suddenly. The guy jumped in too.

???- well baby, you can't expect it to smell like flowers

Did he just call me baby? Whatever , I'll let it pass since he did just save my life.

I followed him as he walked through the sewer.

Y- where are we even going?

I- no idea at this point

Y- so are we just going towards no where?

I- just... trust me.

Y- I don't even know your name, how can I trust you?

I- iann . Well it's micheal but I prefer iann

Y- okay iann. Tell me more about yourself

I- uh I do music.

Y- oh so you're famous?

I- yeah sure something like that.

Y- oh that's cool

I- sure

He said a bit sarcastically

Y- what's that supposed to mean?

I said a bit confused

I- don't worry about it. Now let me check where we are

He said climbing the sewer latter and lifting the cover

I- holy shit !

He climbed down the latter

Y- what Iann, what is it?!

He reached the ground and walked to me


I was cut of by him covering my mouth with his hand

I- shut up

He whispered. He pointed to above the sewers

He started walking again. I followed him again. This time, we were walking slower than usual. He seemed to be making sure we didn't make any noise. We tip toed for about an hour until iann cut the silence with a whisper.

I- okay let me check again

Y- okay

I whispered back.

He climbed up another latter again and opened the sewer.

I- okay coast is clear

I nodded and climbed up with him.

We both got out, smelling like shit, but we got out.

I- holy shit

Y- holy shit

We said at the same time .

We looked around and what we saw, left us with our jaws on the ground....

A/n- hope you guys liked the first chapter :)

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