The secret life of me

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It was a little girl. She seemed small. No older than 10. I noticed she had something in her arms.

She looked at me terrified.

???- please don't hurt us

She said in a crying voice


I bent down a little and looked into her arms. She flinched and pulled away a little

Y- I promise you, I'm not going to hurt you. But who's us?

She seemed to calm down a little when she saw how harmless I was. She lowered her arms more and I saw a baby. It had to have been a few weeks, maybe months, old

Y- oh my gosh, are you guys okay

???- i- I don't know anymore

She started crying hysterically

Iann turned the corner and looked at them

Y- okay okay, I need you to trust me. Can I hold your sister

She stood up and handed her to me

I- just be careful, mommy just had her a few weeks ago

Y- I promise

I held the baby and ianns jaw was just on the floor at this point.

I- what the f-


I- frick

Y- have you girls eaten anything yet?

???- just candy and I have the baby chocolate milk because I didn't know what else to do . I'm sorry I couldn't be better

Y- no honey, you did amazing! You kept ur sister safe and everything! Luckily, we're in a CVS where you can find anything. Iann can you cook something up for... what's ur name sweetheart?

???- my name is Ella

Y- wow Ella, that's a beautiful name. What's your sisters name?

E- her name is Riley

Y- wow both of you have beautiful names.

E- thank you

She said smiling

Y- iann please make her something. Go plug in a microwave and make her mac n cheese or something

I- I- how are you so calm right now? Like, we just found a baby and a girl and you're just normal right now?

Y- freaking out won't do anything


Y- iann, what would you do if you had kids and they were left all alone?

He thought for a second

Y- exactly. Now go make her food please

I- I- whatever

He walked off and wen too the food section

Ianns POV

How is she so calm right now?! We just found a kid!! And a baby!!

e- so um, do you like the girl?

Ella said walking behind me while I was looking for the right isle .

I- the girl has a name you know?

I said a bit snappy.

E- oh umm what's her name?

I- it's y/n

E- oh okay well do you like y/n?

I- can you stop asking questions? I don't know why we even have to take care of you anyways?!

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