Die for something beautiful

43 5 2

I- Holy shit

Y- Holy shit

What the Fuck is happening? I thought to myself

We stood there both in shock. As we looked around, the streets were completely destroyed. A ton of crashed cars, A few dead bodies in sight, trash all over. This place was a hell hole. Without realizing it, I had teared up a bit.

I- hey mamas, don't cry

He said hugging me. It took me a second but I hugged him back.

I sniffled a bit and spoke in a low voice

Y- let's get the hell out of here

He pulled away and nodded.

We ran to a sidewalk since we were in the middle of the street. We both stopped and looked around to where we could stay.

Iann yelled out of nowhere and pointed to a CVS on the corner

I- There!

We both ran to the cvs and tried to pull the door handle. Unfortunately, it was locked. Iann tried pulling and pulling to but it wouldn't open.

Y- iann it's locked

He kicked the door and frustration and yelled

I- you think I don't fucking know that!

Y- calm down, Jesus Christ. You're acting as if I don't know how to pick a lock. Do you have anything sharp and tiny ?

He felt around on his pocket . He pulled out his keys and looked around to see what he had

I- I have a pocket knife on this!

Y- okay give!

He gave it to me and I picked the lock for around 30 seconds. Suddenly, there was a click sound. I looked up at him and grinned. I could tell he got excited.

I opened the door, walked in and held the door.

I- that was hot

I smiled.

We walked in and I locked the door again. Since we still didn't know what the hell was happening,

I- looks like we have this place all to our self!

He laughed a bit.

We walked around the store and grabbed a bunch of crap. We went to the fridge and I reached for the last tru moo bottle. Since he was taller than me, he came up from behind and grabbed it too .

I- this shits mine

Y- I touched it first

I- so?

Y- what do you mean so? I called dibs first

I- but I deserve it more . I picked you up

Y- I picked the lock for us to get in here, what the fuck are you talking about?

I- I'm talking about the fact that I deserve it more-

As he was talking I pulled it down and hugged it. He was trying to get it out of my hands.

I-  Yo give it

Y- no

We spoke, giggling while doing so

Suddenly, the fun was cut short when we heard a noise come from the back of the cashier register. Whoever was there, might be dangerous. I decided to slowly walk over there anyways.

Iann whispered to me and put his hand in front of me, making me stop.

I- yo that could be a dangerous person

Y- well we don't know that. What if they're just as scared and helpless as we are

I started walking again. I felt iann walk behind me . More and more small noises kept on coming from behind the counter. I walked to the side of the counter and quickly looked at who was there.

It was....

A/n: I hope you enjoyed it luvs 💜

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