Chapter 4: Moving on

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No one's POV

It's been a few days since Cartoon dog saw the two kiss... He isn't mad,he's just whishing to be in Siren's place. Short horse was trying his best to help Cartoon dog:

Short horse:Heyyyy,it will be fine bud,trust me.I- I know it's probably hard and-

Cartoon dog:Look Short horse,I know you wanna help me feel better and that's nice of you...I just...I feel quite sad...I mean,Siren is pretty lucky,heh...

Short horse:I just wish there was a way I could help...As the one who suggested this bullshit,I should have seen this coming. I can help you find someone better or-

Cartoon dog:Thanks,but I'm fine.Besides,you can't fix the broken anyway.You can leave now,Short horse.Thanks for visiting to see if I'm okay tho!

Short horse:No problem..See ya?

Cartoon dog:See ya.

Short horse then left the place in the forest where they were sitting at,leaving Cartoon dog to think about it all,alone.

He decides to take a walk around the street not so far from the forest.It had a few houses and some nice lights that somehow made it look nice and safe.

He decided to walk around and enjoy the pretty night.

He got a little spaced out so he didn't even notice the giant figure standing between the street lights,blending in with them.Untill of course,he bumped right into it and fell to the ground.He looked up to see that it was..? Siren head? No way, this figure looked kinda gray and way smaller,but the light was blasting in his eyes so he coudn't see anything.

„What do you want,dumb cat?!” the creature yelled,but then stopped.

„Oh.It's you. His idiot sidekick.” it stopped and rolled it's eyes.(Just...Stay with me here okay 👌)

That made it all clear. It was Headlight.Cartoon dog met him before,but never talked to him.

„That was rude,I haven't even met you properly,and you're already insulting me.”

Headlight/Light head:Look,I don't care okay just fucking leave.

Cartoon dog stops and decides to try to talk to him. Headlight was always alone,far from everyone and was also rude to everyone for no reason, resulting in having no friends or anybody who liked him. Cartoon dog felt bad about it and decided to try and maybe be friends.

Cartoon dog: Actually....Can I stay?... I think you're kinda lonely and never had anyone to talk to so...

Headlight:....Ugh just-

Cartoon dog:Please? I'm...really feeling under the weather right now...

Cartoon dog: I'll tell you,but promise not to tell anyone else,especially your dad..

Now headlight was interested,but also promised cartoon dog he won't tell since it was probably something important and he wouldn't like it either if his secret was revealed if he shared it so yeah.

Cartoon dog:Uh..Well- basically.. I kinda had a crush on C.c. and basically went to confess buttttttt.....I saw him kissing your dad...

Headlight was annoyed but not surprised.

Headlight:Yeah. I kinda expected that. Father always talked about that asshole and I figured he liked him. But either way I'll never that cat. Thanks for telling me.

Cartoon dog:Well.. That's.. unfortunate I guess..But I'll move on. I'm already ditching C.c. as my crush now,plus I want him to be happy so I support him and Siren.

Headlight kinda looked to the side.

Headlight:So uh..You gotta go now or?

Cartoon dog: I don't know,I went out to kinda clear my mind.. Didn't plan on getting back so early.

Headlight and Cartoon dog looked at the forest and the street. Them talking kinda lit up the mood. Cartoon dog wanted to know more about Headlight so he tried to get him to open up to him.

Cartoon dog:Are you always alone? I've never seen you with your friends, you're always just hunting..

Headlight:I don't have friends. I'm better than all of those assholes in this crew. They all hate me anyway.

Cartoon dog:Why so?

Headlight then sighs and looks at cartoon dog with a bit of a serious look.

Headlight:Okay so, I'll tell you since you told me about your problems so to make it even. When father's species went extinct due to some things he doesn't wanna tell me,he was the only one left. There used to be many siren heads,made from different flesh,taller,shorter,some with different numbers of sirens and stuff like that. Anyways since he didn't wanna be the only one left he had to somehow reproduce. That's when he created me from flesh and other things. Except he didn't have sirens,so he gave me a street lamp head. I'm basically a subspecies of siren head. He gave me two names, Headlight and Light head. He was happy that he was able to create me,but the other monsters weren't. They didn't like me. I'm not sure why,I just know they didn't. It affected me a lot. I became very rude and all that. There you go.

Cartoon dog:I- that's really horrible.. But hey,we can stay in touch and maybe become friends?

Headlight:Heh,yeah whatever. Don't think that will work.

Cartoon dog:You will see! I'll be your friend in less than a month!

Headlight then looks at Cartoon dog but quickly looks away. He says he will hunt a little and then go to the forest and sleep for the day. Cartoon dog says he has to go anyways and tells headlight he will see him tommorow.

Cartoon dog POV

I came back to our spot in the forest late. Cartoon cat was there laying on a log like it was a bed.

„Heyy doggie,glad to see you're back! Me and Siren got some fresh meat from some hikers and stuff, anyway let's eat k?” He says,not knowing I saw them kissing. I decided not to tell him I saw it,since he would feel bad and shit would go down overall.

„Yeah,sure!” I say pulling off a male hiker's arm off and emediately biting off a piece since I was hungry.

Cartoon cat did the same,but he got a leg and started eating.
It was kinda cold since it was November. To add to that,we were outside surrounded by trees. It wasn't the most comfortable. Then an idea came to my mind and I stopped eating and looked at C.c.

He looked at me confused.

„Somethin' wrong?” he asked

„I think we should make a tree house to live in! But just for us,not for all monsters like the other tree house we have.It's cold and windy here and we have nowhere to sit or lay at. It's horrible and dumb. I say we make a tree house,hide it as much as we can but not climb up with ladders,instead making a few things on the tree that would help us get up,so people can't get in that easily.” I say,proud of my idea.

„I think that's a great idea! I'm tired of sleeping in the grass anyway.” Cartoon cat says.

„Then it's settled! Should we start building tommorow?” I asked.

„Sure. The sooner we get a comfy place,the better.” Cartoon cat says,and smiles after.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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