1 • late night gigs

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"drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar"


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IN A SMALL PUB ALONG THE OUTSKIRTS OF OXFORD, PHOEBE FAIRER ADJUSTED THE MICROPHONE SHE WAS STOOD IN FRONT OF. This was a usual experience for her, she never had gigs more than once in a single month, but here she was, final night of playing three consecutive shows at the same pub.

It was like heaven.

She cleared her throat before she spoke into the microphone. "Good evening guys!" she said, being greeted by a fairly large cheer from the almost full pub.

Phoebe smiled at all the people in front of her. "How are we all doing this fine spring evening?"

Again, she was greeted by a wave of "good" from the crowd and she smiled again. "Good! Now, I hope you don't mind me tonight, I'll be here until 12 so, if you're gonna' stay, you're gonna' have to put up with the sound of my voice." she joked.

There was a collective laugh from the people, before she began to fiddle with the strings of her guitar, tuning them. "Whilst I'm making my guitar sound less like a dying cat, is anyone here celebrating anything?" she wondered aloud, attempting to reduce the awkward silence that would have bubbled.

"Yeah our mate is!" a shouting voice from the depths of the crowd.

Phoebe searched for the voice before a hand was spotted waving in the air. A few people moved out of the way so she was able to see who had spoken up.

On a small round table in the middle of the pub, sat three men, all around the same age.

One, clearly taller than the rest had what looked like to Phoebe under the lights, back hair, and had a defined face.

Who looked like the youngest out of the three, a blonde boy with bright blue eyes, that Phoebe could see from halfway across the room.

The middle one, was holding his hand up, and seemed to be the one that had spoken when she had asked a question. He had shaggy brown hair, and his eyes were a golden hazel colour. His accent from when he spoke sounded to Phoebe either American or Canadian, she could never tell the two apart.

She smiled at him, telling him to continue and he smiled back, pointing at his blonde friend. "Our mate here just got a new job." he explained.

The blonde buffed his friend in the ribs slightly giving him a 'seriously?' look. The tall boy on the right laughed at his friends before placing a hand over his eyes, shaking his head slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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