Night away

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A few weeks later,

Deandre ended up dead, so that was a good thing for Amanda and Aniyah.

For that entire week, Aniyah did not want to leave her mom at all. Aniyah has been sleeping with mom every night.

But once Aniyah found out that her father was dead she did not have to be worried about something taking her away from her mom or hurting her mom anymore, but she was still a little worried but she could sleep in her own bed and go to school.

Amanda could not return to work for another two weeks.

Present time

Today Jesse, Billie, and Aniyah were spending the night at Olivia's place while Amanda and Carisi had the night alone. This would be the first time Aniyah would be away from her mother for over eight hours. Olivia was worried about how Aniyah would do tonight, but Aniyah said that she would be just fine. And also Amanda said that if Aniyah freaking out to just call her anytime at night.

Olivia Benson household

Olivia is cooking dinner while Jesse, Billie, and Noah watch TV and Aniyah works on her homework for the weekend.

30 minutes after dinner

Everyone got ready for bed.

Jesse and Billie were going to sleep in Noah's room, and Aniyah would sleep in the guest room.

Once the little one was asleep, Olivia checked on Aniyah to see if she was asleep.

She knocked on the bedroom and waited for an answer. When she did not get an answer, she slowly opened the door and saw that Aniyah was fast asleep.

After she checked on Aniyah, Olivia walked into her room and got ready for bed herself.

A few minutes later, Olivia checks on Aniyah in the guest room.

Once Olivia left the room, Aniyah jumped out of bed. She was afraid to fall asleep. She knew her mom was safe, and that she was safe, but it was just hard for her to leave her mom.

So Aniyah just grabbed her laptop and started working on something for her gang. She was not planning on not going to sleep soon.

A few hours later,

It was now 1 in the morning and Aniyah still had not fallen asleep, but when she tried to sleep, she woke up from a nightmare, so she decided just to stay up till morning.

Olivia had gotten up to check on the kids.

When Aniyah heard Olivia opening the bedroom door, she faked sleeping because she did not know Olivia was worried about her.

After Olivia looked in the room and closed the door, Aniyah went back to what she was doing.

One hour later,

I woke Olivia up with a scream coming from the guest room. Olivia jumps up out of bed and runs into the guest room.

"Stop! Please Stop! You are hurting mommy!" Aniyah screamed

Olivia ran over to the bedside.

"Aniyah. Aniyah wakes up!" Olivia said as she started shaking Aniyah's shoulder.

"No, Daddy, please stop!" Aniyah screamed again.

"Baby girl, it's just a nightmare, it's okay." Olivia said.

A few seconds later

Aniyah slowly opened her eyes and saw Olivia on one side. Aniyah started looking around and saw that she was with her father. She started crying.

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