Chapter Sixteen

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Bakugos POV:
The night before, Dabi helped me dye my hair. Deku was upset because he loved my Ash blonde hair, but it was becoming too recognizable, and we need someone who can buy us supplies. So now here I am, dressed in ripped jeans and a black sweatshirt, buying us food and Eri new clothes.

I grabbed a few dresses and some girly looking outfits. I'm sure Eri will like these....I hope. I rounded the corner toward the check out when I heard a familiar voice.

"I hope Mr. Aizawa is okay! I heard he got hurt pretty bad during that fight at the prison!" It was racoon eyes. Shit.

"I'm sure he'll pull through! It's Mr. Aizawa we're talking about!" And shitty hair. Fuck...I put my hood up and look and see who else is there. I saw tape arms and dunce face with them. Fuck fuck fuck. Think Katsuki think! I looked one more time, and walked up to the check out. I kept my hood up, and my face down. I know I look suspicious but whatever.

The cashier looked at my with worries eyes, but when I handed him the money to pay for the clothes he seemed to loosen up. He handed me the bag and I began to walk out.

"Hey man wait up!" My eyes widened at shitty hairs voice behind me. "You forgot your wallet!" He yelled and ran up to me. He held my wallet out for me to take. I snatched it out of his hand, hoping he didn't see any of my face when I did. I put it in my pocket and just left.

"You're welcome!" He yelled. He's too nice for his own good.

Kirishimas POV:
That guy walking up to the counter looks suspicious with his hood up and eyes down. I kept my eye on him while he checked out. There's something about him, something familiar. I noticed that he left his wallet on the counter so I grabbed it and chased after him to give it back. He was very unwelcoming, he gave off a very nasty energy. I saw a little bit of him when he turned to take his wallet back, those eyes. All too familiar gaze in them. It couldn't be. Bakugo didn't have black hair like this kid. And to be honest I didn't get a good look at the rest of his face.

His eyes were so familiar though. The looked like the same ones I used to get lost in.

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