Chapter Nine

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Allmights POV:
It's been four days.....Toumara Shigiraki took young Midoriya from me.....and I couldn't do anything to help him. I couldn't let All for One get away, not again, but yet they still won. They got Midoriya. My successor. Young Bakugo.....we got him back, yes, but at a cost. He has been so upset, but he won't show it or say anything about it. He just keeps to himself. We moved all the children into dorms, well, we will be tonight. We talked to the parents, all except Midoriyas mother. We couldn't find her, we are going to have to talk to her soon. She needs to know her son is missing....we are doing everything we can to find him, but since that day the League went silent, went into hiding.

I sat in my own dorm while the other teachers got the children settled. I went for a walk around the campus. Was there something I could have done different? I see Aizawa walking my way.

"Allmight! We might have an issue." An issue? "Bakugo didn't show up, and none of his classmates have been able to get ahold of him." What! He didn't go after Midoriya did he? That would be so stupid. He could get killed!

Kirishimas POV:
We got settled in the dorms, but it was so weird without Bakugo or Midoriya. No one was excited, we all sat in silence in the common area.

" you think Bakugo went after Midoriya?" Mina asked. We all looked her.

"He might have." I said. Someone had turned on the TV when a breaking news report rang out.

"BREAKING NEWS: The villian The Rabbit has shown himself again! He is terrorizing Hosu City with his accomplice." A villian attack! "Heros are on the scene now." We all stared at the screen watching the fight. We sat in awe as we watched these heros die.........but not only that but we've seen those quirks........those breathing started to get heavy. There's no way! No chance it's them! It couldn't be!

"Is that who I think it is?" Sero asked, his voice was shaky. I could see the tears welling up in everyone's eyes. The two villians looked at the camera after they were done taking down the heros. The Rabbit grabbed the other hand and ran up to the camera.

"Look at your 'heros' trying to keep the 'peace' what you see isn't peace! And these journalists and media reps only feed into the fake peace everyone has been so content with! Well we're here to change that." It wasn't Midoriyas voice......I don't think, unless his mask has a voice changer. "Dynamite, take care of them." He said as he walked away. Dynamite used his quirk and killed the news anchor and the camera man. I know that quirk......that's.......

"NO FUCKING WAY! It can't's not.....THERES NO WAY!" I started freaking out. My best friend

"Kirishima calm down. Please, we don't know if it's them.......right..." Momo said.

"WATCH YOUR BACK ALLMIGHT! CAUSE WE ARE GOING TO FUCKING END YOU!" Dynamite screamed into the camera on the ground and laughed. He also had a voice changer......but the way he said it....the laugh...the was Bakugo. I ran out of the dorms to find Mr. Aizawa and Allmight walking toward them. I started crying and fell to the ground.

"Kirishima what's wrong what happened?" Aizawa asked. I couldnt reply. I say there thinking about how they betrayed us. No.....they were brainwashed they had to be. Allmight ran into the dorm to find everyone in shock, many crying and others asking why. I looked through the window to see The Rabbit holding the camera. I walk in to hear what he's saying with Aizawa following me.

"Ready for my favorite part! There are two students in there right now," he says pointing to the building behind him. "One who we took, and another that was stupid enough to come and get him!" He started laughing. Oh my God! It's not them! I could see Bakugo and Midoriya struggling in chairs by the window. "Light it up Dynamite!" He laughed again, Dynamite used his quirk and set off bombs that had been places in the building. We all stared at the screen in shock.

"NOOOO!" Uraraka screamed. I felt numb. What did we just watch...

"Those dumb heros-in-training, tch. Weaklings was what they were. And no hero even tried to save them before this. They knew we had taken the one, and they knew the other went after him, and they still did nothing. Their deaths aren't on our hands, it's on theirs." Dynamite said before the Rabbit dropped the camera breaking it. Why did it take so long for the news station to turn this off? Everyone just witnessed the deaths of my friends. How....

All You Heros are Fake (villian Deku/Midoriya AU)Where stories live. Discover now