4 - Peony

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  Peony sat in Ms. Silvia's office because of a book. In her red notebook, she knew that her friends would make sure that she wouldn't get in trouble, but she had a feeling that she couldn't get in trouble. It wasn't a rule that you couldn't have things out in homeroom, even in the morning. Though she knew that this had to happen fast, she heard the first bell signaling the end of the first class and to go get your things for the next class.

Then Ms. Silvia walked in. She wasn't frightening or anything. Though she did sound upset. "Miss Peony! You are not in trouble because the head of the school didn't think that was bad. She said that you shouldn't be kept by a teacher and miss classes. Ugh...the woman."

Peony leapt up and ran for the door. She went into her homeroom and grabbed her things and rushed to her lockers. She grabbed her history book and her box of pencils. Excited for history class. Then when she entered the room, she was flooded over by fear. Mrs. Hard-Handle was someone who seemed to radiate fear. Peony couldn't believe this was Chloe's homeroom.

She sat down and saw a paper that was flipped over on her desk. Peony looked to the front where Mrs. Hard-Handle was pacing. The teacher said, "Hello children. Each of you have a practice test on your desk. You are to complete it before the end of class."

Peony looked to her left and saw Chloe then she looked to her right and saw Lila and in front of her was Hope. Lila passed Peony a notepad with a lot of scribbled notes from the three of them.

Where are you? Not you guys, Peony?

Peony is surely fine. She's intelligent, tough, and can make a good argument.

You guys are ridiculous. Peony is strong, doesn't argue enough to get in trouble, and is sure to be okay. Peony is probably still in Ms. Silvia's office, but at least we know that nothing bad will happen.

Peony was comforted by Hope's note even though it wasn't long. Also, the unusually bright, uplifting compliments that Lila's note brought made Peony surprised, yet more confident in herself. The most comforting of the three was the hopeful note from Chloe. She always tried to think on the bright side unless she thought it was a lost cause. Peony passed the book back to Lila. "Thanks," Lila whispered with a wink. Peony smiled back and began the test.

History Test


1 Who was president during the Civil War? A. Abraham Lincoln B. George Washington C. Franklin Roosevelt

2 What year did WWI end? A. November 1918 B. September 1918

3 What year did WWII end? A. June 1945 B. May 1945 C. 1847

4 In what year did the Boston Tea Party occur? _________

Peony found it odd that it was only four questions and circled her answers. 1 was A. 2 was A. 3 was B. 4 was 1773. They weren't hard and it was surprisingly short. This worried her on how few questions the final test would be. How much would this ruin her grade? Peony found herself scared to turn it in but eventually decided that it wasn't that bad to turn it in.

Peony knew that something was wrong with Mrs. Hard-Handle. Peony didn't know what, yet. She knew that she should assume that nothing is wrong because Mrs. Hard-Handle is a teacher who radiates fear. She knew that she should tell her friends, but she didn't want to spook them. When the bell rang Peony was out the door and rushing to her locker. She pulled a journal from her locker and tossed her bag in. She clicked her lock together and ran to the door and down the outside steps.

Once Peony got to a table away from everyone, she opened the journal to a clean page and wrote:

Something is wrong with Mrs. Hard-Handle. I don't know what yet. This is weird for her to have a 4 question practice test. What is wrong? I can't tell my friends because they would think I am paranoid. I don't know what to do. All I know is that something is wrong, and I can feel it. I hope my friends don't feel the same way. Wait, I hear a bell! Oh! I must go! An announcement, I think! AHHH! They are only calling in 6th grade something is totally wrong! I must go and figure this out. I will be back for the next entry on my project of uncovering what is wrong with Mrs. Hard-Handle, I hope that none of the other teachers feel wrong today. Well, I must leave, soon, very soon I will be back with more on Mrs. Hard-Handle and the other teachers.

Being dismissed from the class was different. To explain because when the bell rang it wasn't like a normal bell the head's voice can on and said, "Next classes are excused. Stay on the campus. You will be told when you may go home."

Peony shut her journal and slid the pen back onto the book. She ran towards the assembly room to catch the announcement. When she got into the cold room, she felt steaming. She was worried that something was wrong. She saw Hope motioning for her to come to sit by them and Peony went to them and sat in the row below them.

Peony asked, "What's going on?"

"No idea, dismissing us from classes and having 6th come here. It's weird. The teachers said that once they had the 50 headcount, they would say." Chloe patted Peony's shoulder and Peony was sure that Chloe hadn't noticed the book.

"Quiet," Lila whispered, and they silenced themselves.

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