Tsukishima Gets Jealous??

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Hinata's POV:

My cousin is coming over for the week, she's deciding if she should transfer to Karasuno. She was going to visit the school for the week to see if she wanted to truly go to Karasuno. I hope she likes the school though, cause it would be fun to have her here. 

(Just incase you guys would like to have an idea of what his cousin looks like:)

(Just incase you guys would like to have an idea of what his cousin looks like:)

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"Shoyooo!" He hears from a distance as he's waiting at the school gate. He heard a feminine voice, he felt uneasy until he turned around and saw the orange haired girl. He smiles as she jumped into his arms. "Kira!" Shoyo wrapped his arms around her as they both hugged each other tightly. 

Tsukishima's POV: I'm almost at the school gate when i hear a feminine voice yelling my boyfriends name. As i turn the corner i see who i assume to be said girl jumping into my boyfriends arms. I get a little annoyed when they both grab onto each other tightly. "Kira!" I hear my boyfriend yell. "Oh, so they know each other.." I think to myself. "How obnoxious."

I walk behind my boyfriend as he places her down and i put my hands on his head, using his head as an arm rest for me to lean against. The short boy turned around frightened of who it could be. "Tsukishima!" Hinata smiles up at me. "Hey Sunshine." I say to my boyfriend, still annoyed.

Narrators POV: Tsukishima had this protective look in his face. He was never one to show much PDA but seeing Hinata with this new girl made Tsukishima feel a strange feeling he did not enjoy. He hadn't really felt jealous before, so this was new to him. Shoyo noticed the strange look on Tsukishima's face.

"Tsuki? What's wrong?" His little ball of sunshine spoke up as he let go of his tall boyfriend. Tsukishima Looked at him, then at the girl. "Who's this?" He looks at her with an unintentional glare. She jumps back a bit. Hinata notices and he poked Tsukishima's abdomen. "Kei." That caught his attention. Shoyo calling Tsukishima, "Kei" was only something that'd happen with a serious topic. Kei looked down at the smaller boy. "H-Hmm? What is it Sunshine?" Kira looked at Hinata. It took her a few minutes to understand why the taller male was calling her cousin "Sunshine". Hinata hugged Tsukishima. The taller boy picked him up by the underneath of his thighs and held him close. "Kei, That's my cousin." Hinata never knew Kei as a jealous type, but he knew how to calm Kei down if something like this happened. Tsukishima blushed of embarrassment. "O-oh."

At lunch the three met up again. Tsukishima couldn't look either of them in the eyes. They were sitting and eating outside under a tree. Kira was against one tree while Tsukishima was leaning on another, with Hinata on his lap. He had his face buried in Hinata's neck. He was beyond embarrassed at this point. "I just embarrassed myself in front of a Hinata family member.. What a GREAAAAT first impression." As he was mentally beating himself up the smaller boy called out for him "Kei!" He snapped out of his thoughts. "Hmm? Sorry.. I zoned out." Hinata giggled "Yeah, i can see that." Tsukishima was starting to get flustered at this point. "He seems like a softie to me" Kira said. Kei looked up at her with wide eyes. "N-No.. I'm usually salty, but I'm embarrassed.. I got jealous over you.. My boyfriend's COUSIN." He looks down. Hinata looked at Kira. "Hey.. Mind giving me and Kei some alone time? Just a few minutes, we'll meet you at the school door.

Once Kira left Hinata was sitting on Kei's lap facing him. "Kei, this isn't like you. You don't usually gets jealous. Are.. you alright?" Kei nods softly. "I was just a bit insecure last night and this morning. I'm okay now though." Hinata's expression saddens. "Aww.. Kei! You should've called me!" Hinata pouts. Kei gently places his hand against Shoyo's cheek. "Shoyo.. I understand your worried, but i promise I'm okay now alright? How about we cuddle when we get home hmm?" Shoyo nods. "Yeah, I think we would both like that." Kei and Shoyo smile. "I love you Shoyo." Hinata smiles. "I love you too Kei."


That's all! Thank you for reading the first part to this new "series" Not really a series but this will all be TsukiHina fanfics  (possibly some with Y/N as well)

Have a Good Morning, Evening or Night!! <3

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