From Commoner to Duchess

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Karissa  Elizabeth Ann Lowell was not born an aristocrat and she didn't care for those stuffy runny nose aristocrats when she first arrived on Star Base 12 from Post World War III Planet Earth that men destroyed with their hands.

Karissa thought back about Genghis  Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Hitler, and Colonel Green and they were all the same and they didn't care about anything but themselves like most men did.

Karissa thought about Queen Elizabeth I,  Kösem Sultan, Empress Katherine, and Queen Victoria of England and how they changed History.

All of these women changed the world for the better, and they were instrumental for changing their empires that they governed. 

Some were born into royalty and some weren't but they all made a difference. 

Look what Kosem Sultan did, she put an end of brother killing brothers, and sons  killing sons for the sake of the Ottoman Empire, but her son  undid her work.  

She was kidnapped by the Turks for the Sultan and he just saw a picture of her.

He was mesmerized by her beauty and how well educated her was and he married her after while and she gave him 12 children,  Kösem's sons were:

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He was mesmerized by her beauty and how well educated her was and he married her after while and she gave him 12 children,  Kösem's sons were:

Şehzade Mehmed (11 March 1605 - 12 January 1621), disputed son of Kösem and Ahmed.

Murad IV[(26/27 July 1612 – 8 February 1640), sultan from 20 January 1623 until his death

Şehzade Süleyman (1613 – murdered 27 July 1635).

Şehzade Kasım (early 1614 – 17 February 1638), heir apparent since 1635

Ibrahim (5 November 1615 – 18 August 1648), sultan from 9 February 1640 until 12 August 1648

Kösem's daughters were:

Gevherhan Sultan

Ayşe Sultan

Fatima Sultan

Hanzade Sultan

Karissa told herself she would do the same thing on Star Base 12 but then again the only way she could stop the damn Patriarch was to marry an aristocrat , but who would she choose

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Karissa told herself she would do the same thing on Star Base 12 but then again the only way she could stop the damn Patriarch was to marry an aristocrat , but who would she choose. 

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley told her about Lord David William Beck,  Lord Andrew Charles Howard, and Lord Richard William Carey. They all needed a heir or heiress but Karissa's agenda was to have a daughter that would crush the patriarch

Lord David William Beck was the great-grandson of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior through his youngest son, Lord  Edwin Howard,  Lord Richard William Carey , Duke of Bedford Territory was the great-grandson of Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard who was the only daughter of Lord Frederick William Howard, and sister to Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior and he was 1st cousin twice removed to Lord David William Beck and then there was Lord Andrew Charles Howard, the youngest son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior who was the eldest son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior and current Duke of Norfolk Territory.

He was 1st cousin twice removed to Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory and Lord David William Beck as well.  

Karissa didn't know which one she would choose but she would play her cards and see which one would come to her first.

All of them were good looking but she favored  Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory , second she liked Lord David William Beck, and her last choice was Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory

Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory

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Lord David William Beck,  Earl of Essex Territory

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Lord David William Beck,  Earl of Essex Territory

Lord Andrew Charles Howard, the youngest son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior

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Lord Andrew Charles Howard, the youngest son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior

Now which one would she choose and which one would give her  the daughter to that would crush the Patriarch on Star Base 12.

Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell would become the best loved Duchess of Norfolk Territory through marriage.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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