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Rykern sat perched, perfectly still, high in the branches of a pine tree, his breath misted in front of him. Flame colored eyes scanned the forest below searching for any sign of game.
Did he need to hunt? No not really, but it helped him clear his head. Helped him settle his nerves, and it served as a way to get away from the courtiers and advisors at home... the constant bickering and urging him to marry. He'd refused, yet again to be apart of any sort of courting none sense. He frowned and closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the truck of the tree, letting his bow arm relax and fall to his side, his other arm, arrow in hand he propped against the closest branch. "Nehimia.." he whispered, his voice horse and pained. Because behind his eyelids he saw her face. Saw her beautiful amber colored eyes. He had failed her. He should have kept in closer contact. He should have known they would target her next. Alone in that manor.. he should have kept in better contact with his nephew, kept an eye on her through him. They had been the only two unwedded High lord and lady. The guilt roiled inside his gut once more and he opened his eyes. A light dusting of frost lay on the ground, clinging to the trees that surrounded the area. The sky above clear and blue, it's cheerfulness mocked him. He felt as though those cute puffy clouds should be storm clouds and there should be rain and lightning. But alas they were fluffy and passed by overhead without a hint of rain.
Something crunched far below and his attention snapped to the sound, reading his bow he drew back, scanning the area below... and there peeking out from the trees was a large white and grey Elk, big enough to feed the entire palace for a night. He smiled  to himself and aimed carefully, that's when he heard the scream, jerking in surprise his arrow went wide and speared into a tree not two inches from the elks head, bellowing in shock the elk bolted.
Cursing Rys turned and glared in the direction of the Of the scream, it had been a woman's terrified scream. In the distance, far off, he could just make out a woman in leather gear running down the cliff face to the west, and... were those..giant wolves chasing her?
Yes! They were! Huge black hulking wolves were running her down. He'd have none of that. Not on his land. Swinging down from his tree he let himself plummet, landing and rolling into a low crouch he barely made a sound, the soft fallen leaves hushing his movements. He closed his eyes and listened once more, he could hear them now, they were close to the border of the summer court. That small shared space by All Hallows' Wood. His eyes shot open and he began sprinting in that direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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