Chapter 10: Happy Memories and Present Pleasures

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Aurora was very satisfied with her progress. E had seemed to enjoy himself on the evening they had spent together and she had even noted that he seemed to be paying increased individual attention to her during group settings. 

The other women seemed to take notice too. She felt for the first time that she was experiencing the feeling of being at the top of a social hierarchy, and she was finding that she enjoyed it quite a bit. She had never even been considered a person by anyone other than her mother, let alone a person worthy of envy. 

"So, can you tell him to let us stay here an extra week or something?" Capricorn asked. She was doing handstands against the wall again. Aurora thought this was a healthier thing for her to do than day drinking. "Because I'm having a hell of time here. The stars are truly aligned today in this dimension."

"I don't know him that well." Aurora said. She felt embarrassed somehow, like she was unworthy of the attention and praise she was receiving. "I've still only met him a handful of times."

"But he clearly likes you the best." Capricorn said. "Can’t you like, give him an extra good blowjob or something and say you want to stay longer?”

“Oh, I haven’t done anything like that with him.” Aurora said.

Capricorn fell out of her handstand, and into a pile of lanky limbs on the ground in front of her.

“What? You haven’t even slept with him yet?” She said.

“I actually haven’t even kissed him yet.” She said honestly.

“Shit, maybe that’s the way to go.” Capricorn said.

“Have you slept with him?” Aurora asked. She thought it was out of curiosity, but she couldn’t be completely sure. 

“Oh no. I haven’t.” She said. “I just assumed, because of how interested he seemed in you.”

Aurora got a notification that a message had been received, and paused the conversation to  check it. It was from Talon, of course. She was the only person who regularly messaged her.

And, of course, she wanted Aurora to come see her again. Aurora was glad for the help, but annoyed at the burden of having to create excuses to tell Capricorn every time she wanted to talk to her.

Still, she managed to come up with something to excuse herself, and made her way over to Talon’s room.

When she got there, she found the door was unlocked, so she made the decision to let herself inside without asking. Inside, however, was not Talon’s room. She had already set up a hologram.

It was a flat landscape as at dusk, covered in snow. The setting sun cast a purplish tint onto the horizon. In front of them, there was a fence, and an ancient one by the looks of it. In the distance, there was a small house, with smoke pluming up from the chimney. Aurora could only register the temperature as cold, but she assumed to a human it would be quite chilly out.

“You’ll catch a cold in that, don’t you think?” Talon said, coming up behind her and leaning on her shoulder.

“I can’t get a cold.” Aurora said after glancing briefly down at her clothing which was, admittedly, not appropriate for this sort of weather. “But you don’t actually gets colds from cold weather anyway, they are caused by-”
“It’s a joke.” Talon dryly cut her off. Aurora decided to ignore that.

"Where is this?" Aurora asked. 

"You can't tell? You can't look it up with your robot internet brain?" Talon said. 

"I can try and find similar locations visually but it is easier and more emotionally fulfilling for me if you just tell me." Aurora said. 

"Emotionally fulfilling?" Talon laughed. 

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