He cares? (Minho x rival reader)

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           A/N: please note this is very old and very terrible, with that in mind, goodluck  

    (Mini rivals to lover with Minho, bit of petty bickering, a little narcissistic y/n. Lil bit spicy but I would warn you if it got smutty, which it doesn't, unless I get a request for a part 2...)

                    Y/n  Pov: I find myself walking around aimlessly and talking to myself. 

         "So, here I am, just walking around the deadheads, alone. I mean after that fight with Gally, I'm kind of glad to be alone. He scares the shuck out of me sometimes and, oh boy. Was this one of those times."

           I hear a small snicker and wipe around. I tense a bit when I see it's Minho, he's smirking with a hand near his mouth, almost like he wants to hide his smile but doesn't at the same time. "Talking to yourself in the woods are we?" He says with a snicker.

               I can feel my face heat up but I try and keep a cool expression. "Well sir eavesdropper, I was just- uhhh" I trail off, obviously not knowing what to say.

           He snickers and says amusingly "Yesh, if you try and insult me at least say something offensive."

           I glare at him, noticing his perfect hair. Wait, what? No! I can't think like that about him. Not prefect his hair, flawlessly built face, smooth baritone voice... Nope, no no, stop, stop thinking like that. I'm an independent women who don't need no mans.

         I think for a second and then shoot back "Ok Mr. I wake up an hour early so I can do my hair" There, saying I don't like something about him will subvert any expectation of me liking him. I think...

        "Well don't think you're any better, some days you go to the blood house just to check if you're hair's right cuz their knifes are reflective." He says defensively. 

         "Ok fine, we both care about our hair, let's just move on." I say flatly.

         "Maybe one of us more than the other." He mumbles quietly, he's to scared to say it to my face but says it just loud enough that I hear it.

        "Hey" I say "I thought I said you should get over it."         

 "Uh, I am over it. But you brought it up again." He says matter a factly.  

         Why does he have to be such an idiot some times. It's kinda endearing but still. I sigh "Look can we just not fight right now, I'm really not in the mood." 

       He doesn't seem to take me seriously because he says "Aww, is our little glade girl not feeling well today?" Patronizing, like usual. 

      "Seriously Minho, I just need a moment." My tone is harsher than I intended but I don't mind it until I see his face soften, his expression turned from a teasing look to a genuine concern. 

     "Oh, sorry-" He glances away, I'm taken a bit back by his response. He seemed genuinely sorry, like he didn't actually mean to hurt me. Why would he be, I mean I'd like him to be but let's be real. He's a self absorbed wreck I can't help but adore. 

     "It's fine, just stop being so cute when you're being so stupid.."oh hold... DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD?!? He perks up at my statement and looks back at me raising an eye brow.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "Oh, you think I'm cute huh?" He asks slightly mockingly, but I can see something else in his eyes. Though, I can't quiet place it, I've never seen Minho with that sort of look in his eye. "What else do I not know about you?" He says and I notice he sounds less mocking compared to his regular tone, something odd lacing his words that I can't place. He turns his body to face mine and takes a small step forward, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. 

     "I could ask the same about you." I say, trying to show to him that I know I'm not the only one with secrets. I take a small step forward. 

" I guess we have a lot to learn about each other, don't we?" He says, staring deeply into my eyes. I now see the desire in his eyes as he steps much closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling my body into his. I look up at him, confused yet, I knowing what we both want here. I lift my head and bring my face up to his, millimeters apart...

A/n: Oh god, I opened this by accident and I regretted it instantly, oh my gods I'm so sorry if you read that, it was my 7th grade hunger games phase I didn't know what I was talking about, I'm only leaving this up so future me can cringe too but jesus christ this is so bad, I'm sorry for burning your retinas, have a nice day 


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