chapter 3

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This chapter is really bad sorry

CW: smoking, alcohol, and light smut

Next morning

I woke up later than usual, so I didn't really have time to get ready. I just threw on some ripped jeans, t-shirt, some eyeliner and red lipstick (just to make my mom mad of course) and a flannel around my waist. I put on my sunglasses and shoes and walked outside to wait for Axl.

I got bored just waiting and pulled out a cigarette and lit it with a match.

I saw Axl coming down the street and I immediately put it out and yelled for Christian.

Christian yawned and came outside with me. We both started walking up to him and just my fucking luck Izzy was with him. "No boys Y/N." Christian whispers in my ear, I rolled my eyes and slightly elbowed him in the gut "shut the hell up Christian"

"Hey guys!" Axl said "hey Ax" me and Christian said insync.

Time skip to 1:25pm

I was taking a few books and shit out of my locker for my next class when I felt someone come up behind me. I turned around to see Izzy.

"Um hello?" I asked confused.

"I didn't know you smoked." He whispered.

"Um yeah I do how the fuck did you know that?" I asked even more confused

"I saw you put your cig out" he giggled.

"oh god please don't snitch, I'll do anything" I "pleaded" while giggling aswell.

"Anything?" He said with devilish smirk.

"Oh brother" I chuckled under my breath as he took my hand and led me to the boys locker room. "I'm not going into the fucking boys locker room with you Izzy" I said laughing "oh come on Y/N, please?" he said tugging my arm "fine but if I get in trouble I'm gonna fucking kill you" I said trying to sound as serious as possible.

We tiptoed our way to a locker area that "nobody ever used" according to Izzy.  He unzipped his bag and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of jack. "Oh my fucking god" I whispered trying not to make to much noise. "I can't believe I'm gonna get drunk for the first time in the boys locker room with a guy I barely know." I said laughing

"You don't have to if you don't want to" he said looking into my eyes. "No, I definitely do."

I took the bottle of jack from him and attempted to open it but failed, he took it back from me "just let me do it sweetheart"

I think I litteraly just melted.

"Seriously, sweetheart?" "Yep that's your name now." he said taking a a swig of jack. I rolled my eyes and took the bottle from him and took a swig my self.

"Alright give me a fag" I said "what?" He asked confused "oh you're asking for a cigarette I thought you were calling me gay or something" we both started laughing hysterically not even caring if someone heard us.

Time skip

We were both pretty drunk at this point.

I took a long drag from my cig and said "yknow you're like the most beautiful man I've ever seen, like not handsome, pretty."

"What" he slurred

"you're a really fucking pretty boy" I slurred back

"No you" he giggled

"I'm a boy?" I asked confused

"Nooo you're just really fucking hot"

This was when I realized how close our faces were, I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or just some random act of courage but I kissed him, passionately.

He pulled away for a second and just said "oh shit" before kissing me again

I got on top of him, my legs on each side of his lap, his hands roamed everywhere from my hips, up my ribcage, up to my tits he kept going up and down with his hands like that while kissing my neck.


I had already taken my shirt off and he was trying to unbuckle my belt when the last bell rang and it was time to go home.

I put back on my shirt and before I could leave Izzy grabbed me from behind my waist and said "we'll finish this later darling" I almost moaned at his sexy, raspy voice calling me that.

I wanted to stay and finish this now but Axl and Christian would automatically think somethings going on.

I put my hair on either side of my neck so that no one could see the hickeys he'd left, picked up my bag and went off to find Christian.

"Y/N where the fuck have you been!?" He yelled as soon as he saw me.

"I was skipping class idiot" I said trying my best not to sound drunk. "You smell like Axl's friend." He chuckled "shut up you're giving me a migraine" "good" he chuckled. I punched him in the gut

"Owww fuck off" he cried, I just smirked "also axl's not gonna walk home with us, he's gonna go hang out with your husband" he said making kissing faces. I tried to punch him again but he dodged it.

I tried my best to act sober the rest of the walk home. When we got back I immediately went to the bathroom to cover up my hickeys with makeup, then take a nap and hopefully not be as drunk when I wake up.

Lovin' that'll last forever (Izzy Stradlin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now