The First Day

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The sun was shining bright in the clear blue sky as children of many ages went around—with robes and wands—for their first day of the new school year. What school? Well it's Hogwarts of course! A school where young witches and wizards reside.

"Wow, we are really going to Hogwarts!" A girl with bright, unruly orange hair said with a big, white smile on her face. It seemed to be making the boy with platinum blond hair giggle as the raven haired next to them clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Who are these kids? Well they are Emma, Norman, Ray!

"Say, how about we get going now?" Isabella, Ray's mother asked them kindly with her motherly voice. The kids nodded and watched as the lady pulled out a sack of floo powder. "Is that what I think it is?" Emma muttered out. Isabella saw the sparkles in the girl's emerald green eyes and smiled calmly, "Floo powder," Ray answered her question. "Must I remind you again today, you have to say the place before you go somewhere?" His sarcastic tone made Emma pout and crossed her arms so childishly. "Of course! I don't wanna end up like Harry Potter." It only receive an eye roll by the ravenette, it made Emma's blood boil and started to argue with him—Ray didn't mind to—making quite a ruckus.

As the two squabble over some simple thing, Norman tried to split them up before it gets worse. "Now, now, guys," Norman said in his calm, collected tone but the tow turned to him with fiery glares and the blond just backed away.

"You two, stop it!" Isabella raised her voice, making the two stop arguing and behave. She furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head with Norman behind her, looking at the two with giggles. "Now, I can take only Norman with me if you like..." She said before being cut off by the two begging her to take them with her. "But you two mustn't argue on the way, all right?" Both gave looks to each other and made a deal with the motherly lady.

Norman was first in line. Grabbing in a handful of powder and walked into the fireplace, closing his eyes as he said, "Diagon Alley!" Throwing the powder onto the ground, it bursts into flames—green as Emma's eyes—and disappeared.

As a jaw drop from Emma was the reaction it got, Ray quickly got his powder and was transported elsewhere. Leaving her behind with Isabella.

"Woah..." Was the only thing that came out from her mouth. Isabella chuckled as she offered the floo powder to the redhead. "Why don't you give it a try?" Emma had a small gasp as she grabbed that some were leaking out from her grip. Being a Muggle-born, Emma never experience any sort of magical stuff that the other two boys were used to.

Walking carefully to the inside of the fireplace, her steady hand gripping the powder tightly. "You know where?" Isabella asked her and Emma nodded with a grin from ear to ear. "Diagon Alley!" She bursts into flames before she knew it, she was in the site of her two best friends.

"Welcome, Emma." Norman greeted her with his usual calming smile. She let out a breath and made little fist bumps—celebrating that she didn't end up at Knockturn Alley—but she could hear the muffled laughter from Ray. "Hey, Ray, I got here safe and sound." Ray just scoffed and held his hips like his mom did a few moments before, "Yeah sure."


"What's next on the list?" Norman scanned through the things and his eyes landed on, "Robes." Clapping her hands together, Isabella looked around the alley and found the shop. "There's Madam Malkin's, a lovely lady runs it," She gave them each money, enough to sustain the requirements. "Make sure you complete all of it." Emma quickly turned to Isabella. "Where are you going?" The brunette gave a warm smile to her and extended her index in front of her lips. She quickly brushed it off and went with her friends to find their perfect robes.

Entering the shop, it was marvelous at how the clothes were. But most of what she saw were robes within robes within robes—with different colors—from each and every corner. "Welcome, how can I help you?" A squat lady with mauve clothing on her, a smile on her face. "Say, do you have any new robes?" Ray asked her. She chuckled and summoned a magical measuring tape from withing her shop, hearing that they were new unsorted students. She must be the Madam Malkin Isabella was talking about.

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