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"Hey, Ray." Nat, a third year in Slytherin house, poked the ravenette's cheek repeatedly. He was doing it for the entire breakfast. Ray doesn't seem to be bothered by him, just ignored the redhead and talked to his friends like nothing was happening although his friends were all concerned for them. 

"Ray, don't ignore me." Nat kept poking him. "Ray! I'm going to do this 'till you notice me here."

Rather not waste his time being annoyed by an underclassman, Ray sighed heavily and turned his attention to the ever so attention-seaking boy. "What do you want, shorty?" He groaned. Nat smirked and intertwined his fingers together. "Nice question! First things first, I'm not short. Second, I heard from Susan that Norman's hair was blond, what the heck was that about? Hiding something mischievous?" One of those questions again, he had answered most of them from Ravenclaw students and some older ones but never from his own house. "None of your business, kid." Being unsatisfied by his upperclassman's dry answer, Nat has to find out himself.

"Anna!" Slamming his hands onto the Hufflepuff table, the redhead immediately pointed at the blonde girl with braids next to Gillian. "I need your help." The girl was confused. "I don't know him." She said so effortlessly, shocking Nat until his soul almost descended to the heavens. "Don't mess with me, miss! You know who I am!" Anna blinked twice before making an O shape with her lips. "You're the nose guy that blew up my cauldron during potions back during our second year." Almost choking on his words, his dark red hair started to be messy as his prominent nose scrunched. "That was one time!!"

Calming himself down as to not make a scene with the Hufflepuffs—again—Nat dragged the girl away from the table to outside the Great Hall. "What do you want, Nat?" Anna asked him with an exhausted voice. Rubbing his chin, looking at the other students in the Great Hall, Nat snapped his fingers while smirking. "You're being creepy." He jumped and saw Anna looking down at him—physically and figuratively—with a dissapointed look on her face. "R-really? Well then, do you know anything about Norman's white hair?" Nat smiled and fluttered his eyes like a child would do to an angry parent. The blonde shrugged her shoulders and pointed towards the Gryffindor table, "Maybe Emma could help, she's with him 24/7." 

An idea popped into his head, "Why don't we ask Emma!" 

"That's what I just said,"

"Let's go, Anna!" Nat grabbed her wrist and pulled her along with him.

Making another "grand entrance" to the table, the Gryffindor students turned to look at the Slytherin boy made his way to the other redhead at the table. "Emma! I have a question for you." The redhead cocked her head to him with some food still in her mouth and she offered them a seat. "So, what's the question? Quidditch questions? Care for magical creatures? Oh! Maybe some muggle studies?" Anna shook her head and let Nat do the speaking—and embarrassing—for the two. 

"You and Norman are close, right?" He scooted closer to her and she bluntly confirmed it. "That means, you know how his hair change!" Emma laughed hysterically for a good five minutes before reverting back to her normal self. "Great question! So one day, we were helping..." Before she could finish her sentence, two older Gryffindor boys—Zack and Oliver—ran to her. "Emma, the professor said we should practise now!!" Shocked by the statement, she quickly finish her meal and almost fell of her chair. "They must've changed the schedule! Maybe next time, Nat!"

"Well, that was convenient." Anna left a comment only to piss him off. "How about we ask Gilda?" Nat liked the idea and pulled her to the Ravenclaw table. When they got there, the girl was nowhere to be seen. She wasn't with her friends or eating breakfast. "She must have been gone for a while, even her plate is empty." Anna pointed to the table. Not losing any hope, Nat rubbed his chin as to think where he would be if he was Gilda. "I know!"

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