Paradise Hideout

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"Let us go, you dark witch!!" Don floated midair as he tried his best to go back to the fresh pile of snow but Ray just kicked his hand away to float even higher which made him holding onto a near tree branch. "Dark witch?! You are the one who attacked us first!" The witch who use the spell on them with a raspy voice as she started moving Emma around - until she was dizzy.

Gilda almost pulled her wand but before she could, all of them suddenly fell into the pile of freezing snow and made them shiver. "What on earth is going on here?" They heard a familiar voice walked in with the witch spinning her head to the source of the sound and immediately stand like a soldier. Ray brushed the snow off his raven black hair and finally saw the person in front of them. "Norman, watch out!" Emma pointed her wand to the tall witch behind him. Confused on who she was referring to, Norman turned to the tall witch and slapped his own forehead, "Guys, this is my friend." He said so nonchalantly that made the group drop their jaws.

"But she used the dark arts," Don pulled him to their side and protected Norman behind Ray. "That's their curriculum!" All of them turned to the white haired boy as he walked towards the tall girl who cast the levitating charm on them with a calming smile on his pale face. 

"Boss! Are you all right?" They heard another familiar voice shouted out, it was Vincent with other boys behind him as they ran to young fourth year. "Boss! Boss! Did they hurt you?" A young boy with light colored hair as he checked upon Norman's body for severe injuries. "I'm fine, Hayato." He chuckled, shocking them even more.

When they saw his other group of friends, all of them quickly pulled their wands out as they started to blast multiple spells at them - thankfully, they weren't hit by any of them. "Wait! Everyone, they're my friends!" Norman ran to protect them. "What?" One of the tall boys blurted out and stopped firing the hexes. "Hold on, is that the boss' crush?" He pointed at the red-haired girl out of the blue, causing Norman to be red as a tomato and faked cough loudly. "What was that?" Emma tilted her head from not hearing the words of Vincent but Norman just shook his head from the red flush all over his face.

"If they are the boss' friends, then why did they attack me?" The witch ratted on them.

Norman sighed heavily and turned to the his friend group to see them walking away in a cartoonish manner, "What did you do?" All of them stood up straight and they just nudged Ray. "So it all started with earlier, specifically during breakfast..."


"Any plans for today's trip?" Emma fluttered her eyes and smiled like an innocent child would - Ray noted similarly to the old 50's cartoon. Norman gulped down his cranberry juice and wiped his mouth with a napkin ever so delicately, "Well...I'll be helping out Prof. Matilda for today." The duo's energy deflated that made even Norman confused, he had never seen his best friends so depressed by his excuse. "Sorry, guys, can't come this time. I'll make it up the next trip, promise." Emma's frown only grew wider as her mood saddened, Ray's face only had subtle changes by his eyebrows suddenly furrowed and the sparkles in his eyes were gone. "I'm going to tell Don and Gilda about this." Ray walked away from the Gryffindor table as Norman waved at Emma, leaving her alone at the table.

Walking to the Ravenclaw table with his usual deadpan frown, he pushed some kids out of the table so he could sit with the two friends he rarely spend time with. "What happened?" Raising an eyebrow with a spoonful of mashed potato in her mouth. Ray stole a glance at Gilda and shifted his gaze to the large doors, "Norman's up to something," Sharing confused looks at each other multiple times and Don begged a question to the Slytherin fourth year, "How do you mean by that?" Explaining Norman's weird excuse to not join them for their trip to Hogsmeade, even the duo next to him were weirdly confused by that. "Isn't he close with Prof. Sienna more, with the divination magic and blah, blah, blah...?" Don reminded them, "I know right? Very suspicious." Emma butted into their conversation and sat between the boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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