Chapter 33

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[Taichi's POV]

Remembering what happened last year, I really don't know who I get in that kind of situation when I was suddenly pulled by her friends, Mina and Hiro to go to New York after their university exhibit. They said the ticket was supposed for Ran since he was in Italy, they said that I should go with them.

Me: "Are you sure about this?"

Mina: "Taichi, we're already waiting for our departure so there will be no turning back"

Hiro: "And I'm sure Kai will be happy to see you too there. Well her parents we're more excited since they really want to meet her friends here"

Me: "But it was supposed to be Ran right"

Mina: "Don't worry Ran will be there too"

Me: "Eh?? Wait he's in Italy right?"

Hiro: "Yup, but he will surprise Kai-chi there so please don't mention it to him"

"Flight NY584 is now boarding, please proceed to gate 8"

Mina: "Let's go"

When we arrived there, we are fetched by her parents and told that Kai is somewhat having a problem. She always staying in her room and they are getting worried so they are counting on us. They also mention that tomorrow evening will be the arrival of Ran.

Once we arrived at their apartment, Kai was surprised to see me. Well, I'm just dragged here by them. As time passed by, I noticed that she was down and keep distancing herself from us. She barely smiles nor laughs.

Mina: "I guess you can talk to her, she will not speak to us cause she may feel that we will hate her".

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