Chapter 8

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[Ran's POV]

Today is our rest day or what we call a free day since we don't have any training, and today was also the day I'm going to treat Kairi.

Tatsu: "WOAH... You have a date Ran?"

Me: "It's not a date."

Tatsu: "So it's really a date, With whom? Izumi-san?"

Me: "It's not a date you're thinking okay... it's just I ask her if I can treat her to properly thank her"

Tatsu: "I see, that's why you are dressed too well"

Me: "It's my usual casual though"

Tatsu: "Nope... You're dressed like you're really going on a first date"

Me: "Geez... I'm not"

I look again to the mirror to check if I really dress too much. Hmm, I guess I'm not... Just a white shirt under my black hoodie, black jeans, and sneakers and it's really my usual casual wear. Before I go out of the dorm, for the last time I check again if my hair is okay.

Tatsu: "Ran you're going to be late if you keep fixing your hair though" *chuckles*

Me: "Are you sure everything is fine on me?"

Tatsu: "You said it's not a 'DATE' why you're anxious,  but yup, everything is fine. " - he gave me smile and a thumbs up. 

Me: "Thank You Tatsu" *smiles*

I grab my mask, cap, and glasses before I take my leave.

Me: "Then I'm going. See you later"

Tatsu: "Good luck on your date!"

Me: "It's not a Date!!!!"

I walk to our rendezvous and the patient wait for her since I arrived almost 10 minutes early from our agreed time. Maybe I was too excited about it? HAHAHA never mind.

Love in Slow Motion | Ran TakahashiWhere stories live. Discover now