Part 1 "oh fuck"

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Its a cold winter night in Italy, having a layer of snow all over, Bruno having to run his group and keep the towns people happy hasn't been focusing on house bills and such until... "BRUNO." Abbacchio screamed "what?!" Bruno shouted in response, "its so damn cold even my mulled wine is half way to a fucking ice cube." he said, "I know. I'm freezing, I forgot to pay the electric bill-" Abbacchio cuts him off "DAMNIT BRUNO, how did you FORGET to pay it." he remarked, Bruno scoffed "You know.. Its not like I do close to everything in this group. You seem to have SOOO much interest in helping and I don't know.. NOT  getting drunk." this absolutely pissed off Abbacchio, he quickly got up and ran to Bruno with his stand out ready to pummel his ass, Bruno prepared his stand for a recoil, "STICKY FINGERS" "MOODY BLUES" the two men shouted, before Abbacchio could strike him he quickly dodged Bruno and calmed himself, Bruno got confused about this mannerism, "what are you doing Leone?" Abbacchio replied "I would fucking beat your ass but that wont help us. lets just think about what we are going to do.." Bruno and Abbacchio thought hard, as the others had been in their rooms and had taken all the blankets. Abbacchio tapped Bruno and gestured to the couch, "ah right,  standing here will probably make us colder." he said in a soft tone while walking to the couch and sitting with Abbacchio.  Abbacchio threw his jacket over Bruno and pulled him close, Bruno got thrown off by this and muttered "what the-" before he could say anymore Abbacchio blushed and scrambled to find a reason to why he just did that, "well uh, you're smaller and skinnier so I assumed that would make you colder? or that you would get colder easily?.." he looked away in embarrassment, Bruno smiled softly "thank you Leone." Abbacchio blushed more not being able to look at him so he scoffed and looked the other way. Bruno began to smell Abbacchio on him, this made him blush, he realized how close they had been and his heart POUNDED,"Abbacchio
I know what will warm us up.." 

Bruno blushed as Abbacchio looked directly at him not realizing the small distance between their lips, Bruno's heart going faster as Abbacchio looked more confused, Bruno gathered the courage to kiss him, Abbacchio blushed till he was beat red and pulled Bruno away. Bruno was shocked and exclaimed "I'm so sorry! i didn't ask you first if you liked me that way-" Abbacchio interrupted him with another kiss, they made out and finally came to a stop and Bruno said out of breath "I think I would be warmer on your lap.." Abbacchio agreed and moved Bruno to his lap. Bruno started moving purposely against him thinking he wouldn't notice and his dick got harder and he started breathing heavier, Abbacchio grabbed his hips forcing him to stop and said in a condescending tone "You know Bruno.. it looks like you want something? why don't you ask like a good boy?" he moves Bruno to look at him, Abbacchio continued "so go ahead bucciarati. Ask away." 

When I have you. bruno x abba smutWhere stories live. Discover now