kiryu's fatherly instincts

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he lit the cigarette carefully, making sure not to light the latex gloves on his hands instead. majima puffs it a couple of times then groans, "kiryu-chan was s'posed to meet me ere' but that lazy asshole didn't even bother to see me."
he sighs wistfully.

he puts out the cig and throws it away, onto the ground, of course, there's no trash cans around to throw it in.
suddenly the scattered newspapers it landed on catch aflame, creating a pungent, smokey scent. majima wrinkles his nose in disgust, despite being a fucking smoker who smokes hi-lites (17mg of tar and 1.4mg of nicotine)

in a panicked frenzy he does the only thing that came to his mind in the moment, leaving it alone and skipping away to theatre avenue then to millennium tower.
"maybe kiryu-chan is there? eh?" he says aloud, it makes it easier for him, the streets are so loud and crowded that he can barely hear his own thoughts.

kiryu is standing there at millennium tower.
"oi, kiryu-chan, yer' didn't meet up with me earlier, i even waited an extra hour incase yer' showed up." kiryu isn't listening. he keeps staring at a sign.
"hot teen babes" the sign reads.

"ye ain't that sick, right?" majima nudges kiryu a little to get him to pay attention to goro.
"what if haruka is part of one of those.. places.." kiryu whispers worriedly.

"christ, kiryu. haruka would never be part' of those rank telephone clubs, don't sweat it."

"but what if-" kiryu starts, "kiryu-chan, yer' little girl ain't gonna join em', she's terrified of em' anyways. brush off yer' fatherly instincts, would ya'? loosen up a bit." majima places a hand on kiryu's shoulder to reassure him.
somehow kiryu thought that majima-san would be the worst at comforting, but he actually isn't too bad, despite his fake kansai accent, but kiryu usually ignores that.

"kiryu-chan, oi, bud', c'mere." majima says, embracing kiryu in a warm hug, the slippery latex of his pants rubbing against kiryu's soft, cotton suit. the snakeskin jacket touches him, kiryu flinches slightly, not seeing what had touched him at first. he sinks into majima's hug, finally wrapping his arms around him as well. he rests his chin on majima's shoulder, tearing up.

"i'm just so worried that something gonna happen to haruka.. i just want to be a good fatherly figure for her.."
"it'll be right', yer' the best fatherly figure she could ever ask for, yer' very er.. caring and whatnot." majima scratches his head trying to think of something else to say.

kiryu is bawling his eyes out.
"ay, shush, yer' gonna attract peoples attention, can't have the dragon of dojima sulkin' about kamurocho." majima gives kiryu a last pat on the back and retreats from the hug.



kiryu gives him another hug.
"oof, kiryu-chan, yer' crushin' me. stop crushin' the skinny guy ere'."
kiryu holds majima tighter.
"fuck, kiryu- let me go-"

"let's go back to my place, majima-san." kiryu says.

"well that brightened up his mood.." majima thinks to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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