chapter 1 : human life once more

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Told form missi's point of view

" mom, i'm sorry!" I ran into her arms once she opened the prouch door. " missi, where have you been?" She asked. " the old haunted manshion on the hill" i began to tear up. " why didn't you listen to me!?" Snapped my sister, melileah, from inside the house. " i didn't think my daughter was this stupid!" Mother snapped. " i just wanted to read my book in peace" i wipped some of my tears away. " that doesn't excuse you from your punishment" she sighed. " i understand" i said.

" until your brithday next month, you shall go to work with me" she told me. " but, mom, i hate going to clean for rich people" i sighed. " no buts" she told me. " you bnroke the one simple rule around my house and you must pay". " fine" i sighed. " now head up to your room until dinner is done" she ordered. I nodded and walked in the house.

After a long shower, i returned to my room. I sat on my window sill by my desk and stared out of it. A small glimpse of the vampire castle manshion could be seen. I pulled down the blinds. " stupid veiw anyway" i sighed. I sat at my desk and opened the second drower on the left. I pulled out a hard covered, dark pink notebook. I then grabbed my penicl out of the plastic cup that sat on my desk. I opened the small, thick notebook to the page i bookmarked with a candy wrapper.

I took the wrapper out and trew it in the garbage by my desk. " let's see" i look to the left page, my last entry. " everytime i look out my window, i see it" i began to read. " i wonder what's in there. Someday, i'll go there, explore, and find out why mother doesn't want me there".

" written at 9:15 am on a school day" i read what was written under my last real entry. " mother tried to make me date some rich boy who is part of the family she works for. After i declined, mother literally slapped me in frount of thst rich family. Long story short, she got fried and blamed it on me. So now i'm going to break mother's simple rule by going to the mashion that sits upon a hill".

" regret that" i closed the notebook and trew it in the trash can. I folded my arms on the desk top and placed my head on them. I then slowly closed my eyes and drifted into a sleep.

" missi!" My sister called from outside my door. " dinner's done!". " coming" i slowly lifted up my head. I walked out of my room and walked down the stair case and found mother doing something in the living room. " hello" i said as i walked passed her. " go eat dinner, missi" she told me.

Once i arrived at the dinning room, i found melileah sitting near some blonde boy. " who's this?" I pulled a chair next to the boy. " my boyfriend!" Smiled melileah. I sat down in my seat. " mother let you have one?" I asked. " shocking isn't it?" Smiled my sister. " who this?" The boy asked. " my sister, missi" my sister answred. " never seen her around school" the boy said. " that's because she visted a undead man" smriked melileah. " please don't" i sighed. " come on, sissy!" My sister smriked. " you love undead vampires".

" so what's your name?" I asked the boy.  " jack" he answered. " jack what?" I asked. " missi, play nice" mother setted a plate with one piece of chiken and a huge pile of rice in frount of me. " alright" i sighed. All throughout dunner, melileah poked her chiken with a fork and wacthed jack eat.

" if this woman won't eat her food then give it to me!".

My sister kept poking her chiken.  " for demons' shake! Feed the demon missi!". " keep the emotional eatting up and see what happens to your figure". " no one asked you, puffy wings!".

" missi" jack broke the fight between angel me and demon me. " are you single?". " one could say" i took a sip of my soda. " why?". " always questioning qustions" melileah smiled nervously. " that's my missi for ya". " well" jack stood up and pushed in his chair. " i must get back home or else ky mother will punish me". " mama's boy"

" there's my jack for ya!" Melileah smiled. " a real mama's boy!". " did this woman hear me?". " thank you for joining our little dinner" mother smiled. " not troublesome" i felt jack gaze down at me. " at all".

" don't you know it's rude to stare at woman drinking a soda innocently!". " innocently?". " shut up, puff pastry woman, i'm angry!".

" missi, could you see jack out, please" melileah had a hand slightly over her mouth. " alright" i stood up and pushed in my chair. I found jack standing in the door frame. " you finally came" he slowly truned his head to face me. I saw a horrifying feature on jack's head. He was now plae with big ponty elf like ears. 

" jack, you're a vampire?" I began to backup. " i came to take back the staff" he told me. " i broke it" i told him. " then you'll have to become the new staff!" He pulled a ax out of thin air and pointed it at me. He came running at me with the ax to kill me. But in time i ducked. Insteaed of killing me, he killed.....

" melileah!" I letted out a bloody murder yell. I placed her head in my lap. She slowly closed her eyes. " don't go" my tears fell down on her face. Out of nowhere, a cold dead hand grabbed my neck and started to choke me. " you b!tch" melileah opened her eyes to revel that they were now blood red. " the only way you can make is by becoming the new staff".

I woke up with a gasp and a jolt. I placed a soft hand on my neck. " it seemed so real" i looked around to see myself still sitting at my desk. I gazed down at my hands and found them my human skin color. I then slowly looked down at my legs. I found bite marks along with sprinters all over my legs. " when did this happen?" I asked myself.                                                                             

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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