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The next morning I woke up in Zak's arms. Carefully climbing out of his arms, I went to the bathroom and did my business before taking off my pyjamas and taking a shower. Today me and Zak were leaving for our honeymoon and I was nervous but excited at the same time. Once I had finished washing my hair and body, I got out, dried off, and dressed in this:

After I was dressed, I brushed my hair into a ponytail and then brushed my teeth before walking out of the bathroom just as Zak woke up

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After I was dressed, I brushed my hair into a ponytail and then brushed my teeth before walking out of the bathroom just as Zak woke up. "Morning, sleepy head." I said as he stood up and stretched. "Morning. Sleep well?" Zak asked as he got his clothes for the day. "Like a baby. So where are we going for the honeymoon?" I asked. "It's a surprise." Zak replied with a wink and shut the bathroom door.


                    (Small time skip)

After Zak got out of the shower and was dressed, we went to a little cafe and ate breakfast before going to the airport and boarded a plane not long after. "Can I just have a small hint?" I begged as we flew. Zak chuckled at me. I had been practically begging him to tell me where we're going since we got in the air. "Alright. One hint and that's it. It's somewhere we both will love and enjoy." Zak replied. This made me pout. That could be anywhere! "That could be anywhere!" I said voicing my thoughts making Zak laugh. "That was your only hint. I told you, it's a surprise." Zak said still laughing. I sighed with a pout. "Oh, alright. I give up. Wake me up when we arrive." I said and not long after I fell asleep.

Zak's P.O.V

When Arielle was asleep an elderly woman across from us spoke to me. "Just married?" She asked. "Yeah. We're going on our honeymoon. Is it that obvious?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Actually, no. You two seem like you've been married for years. You both remind me of me and my late husband." She replied with a sad smile. "I'm sorry for your loss, ma'am. If it's any consolation, I'm sure he's in a better place and patiently waiting for when you two can see each other again." I said with a soft smile. Turns out, it helped her a lot. And her words stuck with me. I know that barely knew Arielle, but it feels like I've known her forever. And looking at her sleeping form and how angelic she looked, I knew I was falling in love with her and fast. Never had I actually been in love. And never had I actually thought I would, but this experiment changed that. Arielle changed that. Because I married a beautiful woman on the inside and outside who shared my interests and actually had the same job as me for almost the same reason. I'm starting to believe I just married my soulmate and going on a honeymoon with my soulmate. Is this too soon to feel this way? If it is, I don't care. Arielle Marie Connors, or well Bagans, has captured my heart and I wouldn't have it any other way. I just wonder and hope she's feeling the same way. Little did I know that I would find out soon.

                (After the plane ride)

Arielle's P.O.V

After Zak woke me up and we got off the plane, I noticed we were in Hawaii. "Wow. It's so beautiful here." I said as we drove to our hotel in a rental car. Not long after leaving the airport, we got to our hotel and went to our room. "Alright, time for the surprise." Zak said as he set our bag down. I was confused. "I thought the surprise was Hawaii itself?" I asked. "Nope. We're doing an investigation. And afterwards, we can go sightseeing and maybe try to swim with dolphins." Zak replied. Zak was right when he said we would go somewhere we'd both love and enjoy. To say I was excited would be an understatement. And that was easy to tell. "Really?! Where? What's the history? What kinda haunting?" I asked and Zak laughed at my excitement. "Iolani Palace. It's said to be haunted by the last Queen and is still at the Palace and is the main specter ghost enthusiasts  might encounter there. Reports by both workers of the Palace, directors, guides and tourists alike speak of odd things happening in its corridors. So I figured we could investigate for our honeymoon." Zak said and I squealed. "Hell yeah, let's investigate there! I'd be an idiot to not want to! I say we dig up the history and interview some locals." I said. Zak smiled at my reply and after settling in our room for a bit longer, we began to research the palace.


(A/N: I won't be giving all the history on this place and any locals I might use will be fictional! Also, I won't go too much into the interviews. If you want the history, look it up on google. I just feel like it'd take long and I also don't want to risk copyright or whatever if I even try, so for safety and whatever else, just Google the name and you'll get the history and everything!!! Enjoy 💞💞💞)

Once we had finished our research, Zak and I left to interview some locals.
After the interviews, we got permission to investigate and do a lockdown.

             (Skip to lockdown time)

After taking a quick shower, I dried off and dressed in this:

After I was dressed, I brushed my hair before straightening it a little

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After I was dressed, I brushed my hair before straightening it a little. Once I was finished, Zak got ready and we left. When we arrived 20 minutes later, the person in charge let us in before locking the doors. "Separate or stick together?" I asked as I turned my camera on with the night vision. "Let's stay together for a bit, then separate. Deal?" Zak suggested. "Deal." I replied since he wouldn't be able to see me nod.


We've been here for almost two hours now, and so far we've only captured two anomalies and one voice on the spirit box. "Alright, I'll go to the queen's bedroom, you go to the blue room and see what you can capture." Zak said and kissed my cheek before leaving. 'Hold on. He kissed my cheek! Okay, don't focus on that. Focus on the investigation. Do not get distracted.' I scolded myself in my mind as I went to the blue room where people have heard the sounds of a piano playing even though the piano was locked in a glass case. Setting my camera in front of me, I took out my spirit box and began to ask questions. "Is there anyone who wants to talk? If so, use this device in my hands to speak to me." I said and waited. Nothing. "I've been told that the piano here plays at night. Play something for me, please?" I called out. Not even a minute later the piano keys were being played. "Holy shit! Okay. Thank you, that was beautiful. Can you tell me your name?" I asked after I calmed down from the shock. A minute later, I heard a female voice, say queen something. I couldn't hear the last part.

Zak's P.O.V

'I can't believe I just kissed Arielle's cheek. What if she didn't like that?' I asked myself as I almost made it to the queen's bedroom. Shaking my head to clear my mind, I took out my own spirit box and asked questions. Receiving no response, I took out my recorder.
"Is someone here?"
"I heard the door unlocks at night, can you unlock the door?" Just as I asked that question, the door creaked open. "Holy shit!" I whispered in shock. "Who just opened the door?" I asked and waited a minute before replaying the recorder. I didn't get an EVP until after the door opened. It sounded like 'leave me'.


Arielle's P.O.V

All in all, tonight was good. We got some pretty good evidence and when the sun came up, Zak and I left to our hotel room and showered before dressing in our pyjamas and falling asleep immediately.

A/N: another chapter published! How was it? Did I do good on the investigation parts? Vote and/or comment if you liked it!!! Comment what you think!!! Love you guys 💞💞💞

Married At First Sight   A Zak Bagans Fanfiction(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now