Chapter 3: The Hallowed Codex, The Spirit Animal & The Letter

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Sue: Um, Derrick? Do you know where Aldric's house is?

Derrick: He lived in a cabin, there he is! *pointing to Aldric's cabin*.

*Knock knock*

Aldric: "Hello, um--come--in Derrick, Judas, and who are you *asking Charles, Jack, and Sue*

Derrick: They are our friends to help our mission

Charles, Jack & Sue: Hi!

Charles: I'm Charles,

Jack: I'm Jack.

Sue: And I'm Sue

Aldric: Well nice to meet your children. Come in! I'll prepare a fire and some blankets for you guys since there's a storm coming.

*Inside Aldric's cabin*

Sue: Woah! So many books!

Aldric: They're not just books, they spellbooks.

Sue: What that?

Aldric: It's a book full of magical spells.

Sue: What's a spell?

Aldric: It's like a sentence so that you can create magic with the help of a wand.

Sue: What's a wand?

Judas: Can you please stop asking?

Aldric: I don't mind. A wand is like a magical tool.

Jack: You have a library full of spellbooks! Woah!

Charles: Amazing!

Aldric: Ah yes I do! I used to be the kingdom royal sorcerer.

Jack: Is it fun being a royal sorcerer?

Aldric: Well it is if you're interested.

Jack: I want to be one.

Judas: Maybe we'll talk about it later. We have a more serious case.

Aldric: Oh yes sure. Hold on, I'll get the fire ready.

Sue: Wow, that's warm.

Aldric: And to make you feel warmer, here some blankets and hot chocolate.

Sue: Wow thank you, you're so nice.

Derrick, Charles, Jack: Thank you.

Judas: No thank you, Aldric.

Aldric: You sure? This is my special recipe. All the kingdom loves it.

Sue: Ya Judas, you should try!

Judas: No thanks, thank you tho.

Aldric: Well fine then, can fight a little kid.

Judas: I'm 22.

Aldric: Compare to me you're still little.

Sue: *laughing*

Judas: Not funny.

Aldric: Sorry, no offense. So, what do you need Derrick?

Derrick: Oh my, this hot chocolate is delicious. *talking to himself*

Aldric: Derrick, you're listening?

Derrick: Oh! Sorry! I was distracted.

*When they all visited Aldric's house, Jack tells everything about what just happened and Derrick asks if there is something that could help them to fight Azura.*

Aldric: Well the Derrick, what do you need?

Derrick: Something to fight Azura, maybe a wand, a spellbook, or something. Because she stole the "Hallowed Codex".

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