Chapter 16

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I transformed back to Ari cause its easier to move about like that after the announcement of my collab with BTS. I sat on the playground bench, the sky that stretched over me bore nothing but bleakness. The gloomy clouds that wandered carelessly over the dark made it seem like filled with venom.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I didn't bother to wipe them anymore.

What have I done? I cried. I... I revealed myself. I shouted at them when they were not at fault at all. How will I face them again? How can I be so selfish? How can I act so immature? But I am a kid too. Only if you look at me. Am I not entitled to express myself?

I buried my face in my palms, the convulted thoughts, the physical pain and mental exhaustion gave me no cool when I felt a palm on my shoulder. I instinctively cringed back looking at the unknown man. He wore a mask and beanie and the most suspicious- sunglasses at night. My breathing hitched. I just wanted to run away but my physical state rendered me helpless.

"W-who are you? G-get away from me," I stuttered but he just raised his arms as if showing a white flag. I stared at his statued form.

"I.. I am sorry. Did I scared you?"

Wait. This voice? Jimin Hyung? Yes. He was indeed Jimin Hyung. His body language and form made it clear. My eyes widened and my heart raced at a speed it never had. I was petrified. To an extent that it made my brain numb of all thoughts. I quickly unlinked our glance, not meeting his gaze.

"Actually. I was trying to find my friend and I just.. ahh. Sorry. By the way are you okay?"

I simply nodded in response, trying my best to conceal my identity.

They are finding me? And here I am! The most ungrateful human.

I quickly stood up to take my leave after bowing once but unfortunately, I tripped and even more sadly, he caught me before I could hit the cold ground.

"Be careful!" He warned and I gulped due to the close proximity, so close to knowing my truth, knowing my lie, knowing... 'me'.

"Sorry," I mumbled lowly, "and Thank you."

"It's okay," he said with contentment. I know his astonishingly bright smile was concealed by the mask.

"By any chance, do you know Park Soo?"

I somehow contained myself at that moment and shook my head in absolute denial.

"You look so similar. Like you are the female version of him. But, he doesn't have those beautiful eyes you have," he remarked.

Hyung is said to be capable of flirting with air. No doubt.

"Thanks," I bowed again when little rain drops started hitting our faces and we looked for shade around us. As both of our eyes laid on the shop near us, I continued my limping walk towards the shop. He looked at me once before adding, "May I?"

I was dumbfounded at his gesture. He was obviously asking permission to help me but my mind was all blank. On intercepting no response from me, he took that as yes, scooting down in front of me.

He is an angel.

"Get on before, it starts raining heavily," he said. Without much of a second thought, I took his help. I know I shouldn't. I know that I should run away. I know but I can't.

He dropped me once we were under shade, protected by the poison that the venomous clouds were pouring. The whether turned colder and I only had this semi wet black shirt and skirt on that made me shiver when the chilly wind assaulted my weak body.

Suddenly, the warmth as that of a blanket wrapped around me. I felt Hyung's jacket over me. I looked over to meet his eyes but those were unreachable due to his black glasses.

I quickly got rid of the jacket and returned it to him to which he laughed and made me take it forcefully.

"It's cold. A pretty girl like you shouldn't go around like this that too at night," he adviced and I nodded, my lips pursed into a thin line, not wanting to do anything unthoughtful.

"So.. May I know your good name?"

"Ari. Park Ari."

"I am Park Jimin."

My eyes widened at him accepting his identity.

"Yeah. I have the same name as the kpop idol," he added once looking at my expression. His lips parted as to say something when his phone rang.

"Yea, Tae?"


"No I am here, near the park."


"You couldn't? I could not too."


"Just pick me up. It's raining. You have the car, right?"


"Yea, I am standing in the shop nearby."

That means... Taehyung Hyung is arriving. Wtf. Why is my life so damned.

A car parked in front of us and I quickly looked down anticipating Hyung to come out but he never did. Instead, Jimin Hyung went in the shop bringing a piece of paper and handing it me.

"Call me," he said. What?

I took off the jacket and gave him but he refused to take.

He took off his shades and bent down, meeting me eyes, "I'll take it if one day I am fortunate enough to meet you again," he said in a mild tone and my lips parted. If the circumstances weren't like this... I would have been dating this ethereal man in front of me. Though, unrecognisable right now.

Before I could make any attempt to return the jacket again, he was already in the car that raced in no time. I sighed. People would think I am in a fanfiction right now.

For hours, I stood there but the rain didn't stop. It was so late that I could not even find a taxi. So, after all this, I had to step in the poisonous drops that fell down mixing with the bleak atmosphere to make it like emperean. Finding a vacant restroom, I changed myself all over again, somehow struggling with the urge to just give up.

I reached the dorm and it was pitch black. Everyone must be asleep till now. I took heavy steps towards the room and plopped down, not worrying of me being wet. I was all cold and I craved warmth that the blanket was unable to provide. I knew I should get up and change but I had no energy left in my body, I could not even lift a finger and I did not even realised when I slept or better- passed out.

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