Chapter 8

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I decided not to sleep anymore as it was already five in the morning. I took some warm water to soothe my throat as we start practicing today and I know I'll be worked up.

"Oh! You woke up pretty early today." Namjoon hyung came in and I greeted him a goodmorning with a smile and he smile back.

"I was going to the gym, wanna come along?" Without any second thought, I agreed. Wearing my track suit. The gym that was in the Hybe building and it wasn't even far.

Entering the building, I instantly regretted my approval. Literally, gorgeous men wearing skin tight clothes lifting weights, like what the fuck?! Are they Hercules?

"You're comfortable in that? Or you wanna change, we have some spare T shirts cause you're gonna sweat too much in that."

"I- I am absolutely fine."

"Okay then," he smiled at me and I didn't need gym anymore, I burnt enough calories. He went ahead with his warm up and I stood there. I had no idea what to do. He approached me back looking at me standing idol, "why aren't you doing something?"

"Actually... Can you tell me what I have to do? Sorry for my ignorance, I've never been to a gym before and .."

"Oh I get that." He went ahead to the desk and returned with one more man who I later realised to be my gym instructor.

"Call me Mr. Yoo." I nodded. "So. Lets start with basic warm up. First of all please take care of your diet. You look too skinny. "

An embarrassed blush washed over my face as he was speaking pretty loud gaining the other's attention.

After a whole 3 hrs of working my ass off in the gym, we ended with it. I am not coming back to this hell hole. Seems like death was better. I was sweating profusely and panting like the oxygen the air carried was gonna end. I was never the sporty type.

Namjoon Hyung came back and chuckled at my limping state. "It happened cause it was your first day. If you come regula-"

"I don't think... Umm... Is working out really necessary? Like.. I am perfectly fine."

He laughed and all my exhaust flew away in that moment, his crystal clear laughter rides over me like a song, and the relief that I felt in the moment was inexpressible. I was scared that I lost my connect with him due to my irresponsible behaviour yesterday but now it seems to calm.

"Yeah. You only need workout when you have a body look at your waist-" he said as gripped me by my sides and before he could say any further, I jerked off his grip as my womanly instinct told me to do so. My cheeks redden further, fortunately, he only thought that I was embarrassed of my little body.

"By the way, if you want to go anywhere. You can inform me."

"I called you yesterday, but no one answered the call."

"Oh. Probably cause I was in the meeting. You can just keep your phone charged, cause, the time you are in the group, you are my responsibility."

"I understand Hyung. I am sorry. This won't happen again."

He placed a warm hand over my head and for the first time in my entire life I felt protected. I wanted to hug him, I had that urge but I suppressed it. I now know what it feels like to have someone caring for you, and I am beyond grateful.

"You stopped growing after mid school or what? You will be the shortest in our group." He chuckled and I pouted in response. They were god damn tall, like in pictures, we can't get an idea of their height but of they come to my house, they surely gonna have trouble with the gates.

"Let's wash up and leave."

Wash up? Here? Hell no!

"Hyung, why not wash up at the dorm?"

"Huh, why?"

"I don't have spare clothes."

"We have extra T shirts."

Come on get an idea Soo!

"Can't we-"

"Are you by any chance embarrassed cause you have a small frame?"

I placed a hand at the back of my neck, "Umm.."

"Alright, let's go back." He said, and I could hear the trumpets of victory soaring around me. Sleak. I'll be more careful next time. We sat by his side in the car as he started off towards the dorm. The car ride being silent.

I quickly rushed back towards the room and it felt like I breathed after 4 hours. My heart was racing tremendously when I recalled all that happened. I quickly took a cool shower and it really felt amazing. I changed into some casual loose hoodie and my cargo pants, placing back my lenses in the bathroom itself. So, I don't forget them.

I hope today will be better than yesterday.

Everyone was pretty awake till now on the breakfast table and I joined them after the greetings. To my dismay, it was omelettes, fruits and breads and I am allergic to eggs. I looked at the table, there were some apples and water melons, so, I resorted to them. I hope, I'll make it till lunch.

"You aren't having this?" Jimin Hyung asked pointing at the omelette.

"I am allergic to eggs." I simply stated, I did not anticipate that they'll be so shocked by my response. It's just a small allergy.

"What? Really?" Jimin Hyung questioned but before I could answer Hobi Hyung interfered.

"Since when-"

"Did you get checked?" Namjoon Hyung expressed.

"Is there any other thing you are allergic to?" Tae Hyung asked.

"Well.. Yes, I did get it checked when I was a kid and they say to just avoid eggs. Though I can eat it when it's mixed in something, like in cakes and all. I had it since forever and about any other allergy, I am a healthy kid." I said as I flexed my little biceps.

They all laughed merrily at my gesture as compared to me, they all were ... Huge!

"This isn't something you can flex over Mr. Sushi. You are so little." Tae chuckled even more as he ate his breakfast.

"I am not little, you guys are humangasaurs" I mumbled trying to keep myself low as possible but I saw Yoongi Hyung choke on his milk as I said that.

The day was indeed better.

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