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"Babe we never have alone time, you're always out with your friends. You barely have time for me anymore" I'm so tired of Trevor doing this. He sets a date for us to go out but then he cancels it saying that him and his friends already have plans. What type of fucked up shit is that?!?

"I know but they really wanted to go out. I haven't seen the boys in awhile" yeah whatever. It's always the same excuses with this dude.

"Yeah ok whatever bye" I hang up the phone and go back to staring at my t.v. I'm not even watching it I'm just staring. This is so aggravating. Every Day it's the same shit. Eat, go to school, sleep, repeat. It's 2 in the morning and he called me saying that he can't go out because he hasn't seen his friends in a while.

It's whatever though I'm used to this. I close my eyes trying to forget our little argument and try to sleep. Soon I fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up from the sound of my alarm going off. I seriously hate this school. I mean it gives me some time to stay away from Trevor when I'm mad but then going there also comes with having to do work, listening to the girls talk shit about each other in the back of the class, and annoying couples blocking the hallways holding hands or kissing each other. I have to show Megan around school today and that just puts a smile on my face knowing I get to see her.

I get in the shower and try to be quick because I only have limited time. I grab my shampoo and wash my hair. I barely even get to see Megan, but the thought of being with her today just makes me so happy. It's like she's just so easy to talk to. I mean we barely talk but when I'm over to see Trevor I'm mostly there to see her, and what we talk about just makes me get so lost in the moment and sometimes forget that Trevor is there. It's almost like he's in the way and that's just stopping everything.

I check the time and decide to just brush my teeth in the shower and then I get out. I have an alarm for everything because I'm always late and that gets people frustrated. Not my problem though. I put on some basic clothes and just walk out of my room.

"Hey fin I haven't seen u in like days where the fuck you been" i ask my older brother finneas "at Claudias, today I'm taking her out on a date to the beach, with a picnic." They're are literally in love with each other I don't understand why the man won't just propose already. "Cute, cute" I say and walk over to my mother and giving her a hug "where's dad" "he's taking the dogs for a walk, which you were supposed to do" I chuckle and apologize for not doing my chore. I grab a granola bar and some water and walk to my car. I don't know how people drink orange juice that shit is sour and nasty as fuck.

I get in my car and put my Bluetooth on. It's like before I start going anywhere I have to have music playing otherwise I'm going to fall asleep. Especially early this morning. Once I start playing my music I pull out of my driveway and head towards my school.

Usually I'm late to this shithole but today I decided to be early because I remember I have to show Megan around. I text her and tell her to meet me at the front of the school so I can give her a tour before school starts. I should've came more earlier because now there's only 30 minutes before first period starts and that's not enough time to show her around.

"Hello hello" she's says hugging me once I see her. She smells like lavender. I don't really know how to describe it but it just smells so good. "Hi" I smile. Hi Billie. Hi. Out of all the things you could've said. And the way you sound saying it. "Ok let me show you around because we only have like 20 minutes before the bell rings and you have to get your schedule so that's like 15 minutes" she nods and we walk inside the building.

"And this is the auditorium" I look at the time and realize we only have like 5 more minutes before the bell rings and she has to get her scheduled "thanks Bil, well I have to go get my schedule and I'll see you around school?" I smile and nod my head. She hugs me and turns around making her way towards the office. Oh wow she hugged me and called me Bil. I mean other people say it but it doesn't sound as good as when she says it.

My boyfriend step sister: B.EWhere stories live. Discover now