Chapter 24

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I have no excuse for not updating but all I can say is that my motivation is still in 2021 or 2019 and I'm a (censored) human being... I think for the next few chapters I might get a lot of writer's block so please don't expect them to be as long... And if you have any ideas on how to get more motivation, please tell me because it would be very helpful...

~Alex's pov~

The beast lets out an ear piercing shriek before charging after Galaxy, everyone scattered and hide in the icy enclosure. I followed Overseer, who runs into a small opening in the ice, and Galaxy soon drives into another, smaller hole, and joins us.

The avian like beast was charging and clawing at the ice separating us with it's sharp talons, "Why is it after me?!" Galaxy cries in fear and curls into a ball. I rub his back to comfort him which helps because he stopped shaking, that is until the ice starts to crack from the constant attack from the beast.

Galaxy, Overseer, and I ran out of one of the small holes, and a few moments later the beast bursts through. It lets out a slightly angered screech before retreating from the small ice cavern and searching for someone else.

The beast climbs on top of one of the ice pillars and looks down, it lets out another shriek before jumping from the top, when it landed on the ground a wall of spiked ice erupted from the ground. The beast starts charging again but goes after Time this time, thankfully being small enough to fit in a small opening helped him evade the beast for the time being (editing this, I realized I made quite a few time puns that I did not mean to make).

The beast continued to go after Time until it was knocked away by Elemental, it hissed at him before charging once again. He caught the creature and put it in a chokehold while keeping it on the ground.

At this point I could better see the feature of this beast, it was covered in feathers, some having a pale green tint at the ends, and scales, it resembled a chicken with its comb but it was stubby and its beak had sharp teeth, the eyes were grey and green with slits as pupils, and finally it's feet had razor sharp claws attached to legs that had fairly thick scales from the knees down.

Some came out of their hiding spots to see the creature, one of which being Overseer, he looked at the creature with a look of amazement, "I thought they were extinct," He said in disbelief, "What do you mean?" I ask him, "It was thought that the hunters killed all of them years ago because they were so dangerous even the nonhybrid ones," He explains.

The beast hissed again before letting out a loud roar, wisps of green light came from it, vine erupted from the ground underneath us. The beast seemed to be the one controlling these vines as they snared Elemental and threw him off of it.

It let out another roar of anger before charging Elemental again, it summoned ice to spread on the ground making it very slippery but it didn't seem to be hindered by it. It chased Elemental and occasionally someone else, breaking through the ice spikes and pillars around the small arena.

I ran with Galaxy behind me to a new hiding spot with the beast behind us, we slid into another small opening in the ice and left the beast outside. It was once again knocked away by Origin, it let out another screech before charging after him.

I look out with Galaxy at the terrifying creature, chasing after everyone it could in an almost blind rage. Looking closer, I noticed it had quite a few scars visible, one of which ran from the top of it's leg to the middle of the lower part of it's leg.

The scar on it's leg looked familiar, "Galaxy, does that scar look familiar to you?" I ask him, he looked at me then back to the scar on the beast's leg, he nodded his head after a while with a look of disbelieve.

Overseer slides into the hole where we were, "Overseer, we just figured something out," I said to him, he turned to me but jumped when the creature started bashing against the ice before it was distracted by Void jumping on it's back, "This was a bad idea!" He screamed when the beast started to thrash around trying to either reach him with it's beak or throw him off.

I turned back to Overseer, "Overseer, that's Sabre, it has the same scar on it's leg as Sabre, Galaxy and I remember him getting it while dealing with Origin," I explain to him, he turns to me with a surprised look on his face.

Galaxy looks out again at the beast we now know is Sabre, "Why is he attacking us then?" He asks in confusion, "Galaxy, you said there were spruce berries in here, right?" Overseer asks him, he nods his head, "The smell of spruce berries makes mutant chickens very aggressive which is why you will never see a flock of them in a spruce forest. He's not attacking us because we did something to him, he's attacking us because of these berries," Overseer explains.

There was another shriek then a crash, we ran out of our hiding spot to see what happened. Running around we found that Void and Elemental had pinned Sabre down on the ice ground with a sword at his feathered neck, "Wait, don't kill him!" I scream at them, I get their attention and Sabre took the moment to throw them off again with the vines.

Sabre runs into the thick forest of ice and now vines. Elemental turns to us, "Why did you stop us, we almost got it!" He said to us, "One, that is a thought to be extinct creature, two, that's a hybrid, and three, that's Sabre," Overseer listed to them, "There is no way that is Sabre!" Dark says from behind a small wall of ice with Nightmare behind him.

Overseer rubs his face in frustration, "You can't kill it, that's final, we catch it or release it, got it?" he says and looks them all in the eye, they nod their heads and we went to find everyone else to make a plan.

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