Indigo Love (A One Direction Fan Fiction)

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Hey guys this is my first fan fic so I am sorry if its horrible . I don't edit my story as I go but I will at the end. Please comment and vote i wont mind if its what i can improve on or some ideas on the story . Thanks!


Indigo's POV

I watched as Jamie plonked herself down on Harry's lap " you know you don't have to go " she said leaning her head on his chest , he shrugged " but I want to Babe " he mused stroking her hair . My name is Indigo and my best friend dates the famous Harry Styles, I live with her and she lives with him , so we all live together like a happy family ( note the sarcasm ). Unlike me Jamie is beautiful,her auburn hair falls to her ribs , her figure is very petite and her pixie like face is smooth and has a sprinkling of little freckles over her nose, her lips full and almost always covered in a soft pink gloss.

" so when do we leave?" Niall piped up turning to look at me , I laughed " WE? Don't you mean us? Who said your coming " I said ,Niall looked confused and hurt " b but I thought t that ...." He frowned glancing around the boys " yeah right Niall you wouldn't last one minuet in Antarctica " I said rolling my eyes and patting his head , " yes I would" he sulked pouting , Jamie walked over " poor Ni , of course you can come , you all can !" She said hugging him , I groaned , they're ALL coming ! Jamie squealed " this is gonna be so much FUN!" ." I guess we should start packing then" Liam said standing up ,I smiled , good old Liam , always the responsible one " come on mate we have 3 whole days till we leave " Harry said , he stood up " I'm gonna go shower " he said walking towards the stairs " can I come ?" Jamie asked giggling , Harry winked . Jamie wriggled around then leaped up " I'm gonna go and umm brush my umm hair" Jamie said already half way up the stairs , Louis snorted " Sure sure, whatever " he said winking at her , she blushed and continued up the stairs, I sighed " any one for another drink " I asked taking empty beer bottles " yes" Zayn , Louis and Niall chorused ," no thanks I'm of to bed , night " Liam said trudging to the stairs , " no , come on one more drink , please Li ?" I whinnied batting my eye lashes , he groaned " fine , ONE more drink " he said sitting back down .I walked to the fridge and grabbed 5 beer bottles , Zayn flicked through the channels " What's on?" I asked sliding down next to Niall" not much" he said turning it of , I yawned " aw is little Indie a wee bit sleepy " Louis said in a baby tone , I just rolled my eyes and snuggled down into Nialls chest .

A while later Harry and Jamie walked down stairs , Louis whispered something to Harry and his face turned into a deep red colour " um no" he muttered And wrapped a arm around Jamie's waist. I sipped at my beer and ran a hand through my black hair , UGH it was all grimy and oily ! " okay, so I'm gonna take a shower and when I come back we are gonna play a game " I ordered standing up " what type of game " Niall asked frowning " you'll think of something " I said messing up his hair , then I turned and headed for the bathroom " Ugh I hate games " I heard Zayn whine as I trudged upstairs . When I hopped out the shower I slid on a silk low thigh length nightie and scraped my shoulder length hair up in to a bun , then looked in the mirror , a sharp cheekbone 5.5 foot tall started back at me , I put on a little mascara and walked downstairs.

Niall's POV

I watched as Indie walked upstairs , she really is pretty , I mean not blonde big boobs pretty I mean different kind of pretty . The type you can't keep your eyes of . Louis chuckled , and I lowered my gaze to the ground "what you staring at " he asked smirking , I cringed I knew this would happend " ah nothing " I mumbled daring to look into his eyes for a second " oh come on we all know you like her " Louis said eye brows raised , I did like her but she is my friend , and no way does she like me anything more than a friend " I do NOT" I yelled , Louis and the others tensed ,

" so what game do you guys wanna play ?" Jamie asked breaking the silence

" truth or dare" I offered

" a drinking game! " Harry screamed

" would you rather !" Zayn said eyes wide and bright

" okay " I said and the others nodded ,just then Indie walked downstairs , you know how in movies when a pretty girl walks in the room everything goes slow motion , well that's what happened when Indie walked in( in my eyes of course)!

" you l-look amazing " I stuttered, she smiled sheepishly " thanks " she said sitting down next to me , I wrapped my arm over her shoulder and she snuggled down , I knew that it was just a friend cuddle but it made me happy anyway.

" So , what game ate we gonna play!"she said bolting up right and gently pushing me away , I died a little bit. " would you rather " Jamie squealed excited , I swear that girl is hyper 24/7 . " cool , Harry you start" Indie said leaning back down on the couch , Harry nodded" Zayn , would you rather - kiss Jamie or Indie ?" Harry said glaring at Zayn obviously telling him not to pick Jamie " um Indie" he muttered , looking at the floor " awwww " Indie singsonged and lent over and pecked him on the cheek , a pang of jealousy ran through me . " Indie , would you rather date a blonde or brunette ?" Zayn said , a grin appeared on her face " blondes , I have a thing for blondes" she said without hesitation , she smiled at me "aw it's meant to be" Louis teased and I glared at him " shut up " I hissed . " Liam - would you rather be lost on a snow mountain or desert " Indie said proud of her question , A crease appeared on Liam's forehead " snow mountain, there's more chance of survival " Liam said ,Jamie yawned , so did Liam. " I'm sorry guys , I can't keep my eyes open , night " Jamie said kissing Harry then walking upstairs .the room drained until it was just Indie and I left , Louis asleep on the couch " goodnight Ni " she whispered and pecked me quickly on the cheek then ruffled my hair, I poked my tong out at her " night Indie " I whispered back and walked upstairs .


Authors Note -

Okay guys so that was the first chapter ( I know , not good ) anyway I promise it gets better . Please don't forget to comment or vote it would make my day to know one person is reading this, no hate though please ! Thank you!

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