Ch 6, An Unexpected Friend

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Chapter 6

Zach’s POV:

I squeezed her hand and leaned down and kissed her forehead. I think she was too out of it to notice but I noticed her cheeks flushed a bit. She’s so cute I thought, smiling. I gave her one last wave before walking out of the room. I sighed as I shut the door and walked into the hallway, I noticed the nurse was talking to my parents about her condition. 

“… she has a pretty bad concussion, but how did you say that she got this injury?” the nurse asked, and my parents just looked at me.

“Well she said that she fell down the stairs, but she wasn’t able to tell me more she kind of fell unconscious...” I trailed off. The nurse just nodded as she looked down at her charts,

“Well she has two main injuries, plus many bruises and cuts. One of her main injury’s is on the left back side of her skull, that’s probably the one that she got from falling down the stairs. But this other one,” she said pointing to some x-rays, “this one’s different; its closer to the bottom of her skull, and the wound had pieces of glass in it; probably from a bottle.” She said looking back up from the charts. We all looked at each other a little shocked, this wasn’t just an accident; someone did this to Rin. I tried to think, Rin had told me about her mom and sister, but she never said much about her step dad. It seemed to be a touchy subject so I never pushed it, I got the feeling that he wasn’t very nice. Did he do this to her? I couldn’t do anything right now, so I just kept clenching and unclenching my fists.

“How long will she need to stay in the hospital?” I asked the nurse.

“Well that depends, if she gets enough rest and the wounds don’t reopen then, just under a week. Even when she goes home though, she will need plenty of rest and not too much strenuous activity. She has 8 stiches, so she will need to come back to get those taken out in a little over a week. But if everything goes well then she can probably go home this weekend.” The nurse said with a little smile. Less than a week, that wasn’t too long; I would make sure to visit her every day. What I was worried about the most was what she would do after she got out of the hospital; I wanted to make sure this didn’t happen again. I sighed; I guess I really couldn’t do anything until I could talk to her about it.

“Okay, we’ll come back tomorrow and see how she’s doing, thank you” my mom said to the nurse, and they started walking towards the exit. I just stood there, I knew I had to, but I really didn’t want to leave her. “Zach, Come on.” My mom called when she noticed I hadn’t moved. I gave one last look at the door that led to her room, and then forced myself to walk over to where my mom was waiting, and go home.


>Next day<


“Ugh, it’s too early” I mumbled rolling over to hit snooze on my alarm. Wait, there was something important today. I sat up, that’s right; I was going to stop by the hospital on my way to school to see Rin. I got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom; I looked in the mirror and laughed. My hair was flat on the left side, where my head was against the pillow and sticking straight up on the right side. I quickly wet my hands and fixed my crazy hair. Going back to my room I picked out a pair of jeans, a black Breaking Benjamin T shirt, with their logo in red on the front. It was already September so I grabbed my sweatshirt as well as my backpack before running downstairs to grab a bit to eat before I left. I walked into the kitchen and popped some bread in the toaster.

“Hey mom” I said when my mom walked in to fill her coffee cup.

“Good morning Zach, Oh by the way I have to go because there was an emergency at work, and your father already left. So could you take Zarah with you and take her to school on your way?”

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