Ch 19, My Own Stupidity

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Chapter 19

I opened my eyes, everything's white. Wait where am I? I slowly sat up, looking down I saw an IV in my arm, am I in a hospital? But what happened? I couldn’t remember any details; I just felt pain in my head. I looked up when I heard the door jiggle and open and a short nurse walked in, looking at charts. Clearing my throat she looked up startled.

“OH MY!” running to door she cried, “Doctor! Room 208, she’s awake!” she walked back over to my bed, checked my pulse and blood pressure. “How are you feeling sweetie?” she asked finally looking at me.

“um, I don’t know” I croaked, my voice hoarse. “I can’t remember anything and my head hurts”

“You don’t remember why you’re in the hospital?” I shook my head no. “Well I’ll wait for your family to explain everything, but...” she gave me an odd look before continuing. “um, your wrist was slit, and you lost a lot blood.”

Before I could respond, my doctor, a cheery middle aged man came in.

“Hello Rinna, I’m Dr. Welch how are you feeling?” He asked smiling. I just stared blankly at them both for a moment until the full understanding of what they said hit me. All of a sudden a felt memories pouring in, no! I thought I don’t want you! Go away, I left for a reason! I held my head from the shooting pain in my skull. All the memories came flooding back in an instant, my step-dad, writing a note, the kitchen knife… I remembered it all; I had tried to kill myself. I noted someone trying to call my name but ignored it. I closed my eyes, trying to think, what would I-

“Rinna!” I jumped realizing, the doctor was holding my wrist and looking in my eyes, “Can you hear me?” he asked.

“Um yeah, sorry I- I zoned out.” I replied weakly

“You were starting to pass out again, I take it you started to remember?” He asked, holding up a small flashlight, and shining it in my eyes.

“Yeah… I remember.” I said and started to cry. The nurse grabbed a tissue and began wiping my cheeks, giving me a sympathetic look.

“It’s alright, it’s gonna be okay,” Dr. Welch said patting my shoulder. I attempted to smile appreciatively at them both, but I must have failed because they still looked worried.

“We’re going to run a few more tests, but once we're done with those we’ll be able to contact your family and inform them that you’re awake.” The doctor continued, I flinched at the thought. Apparently noticing my… unsavory reaction to his comment, he just patted my shoulder again, “it’s going to be ok, a lot of things have changed while you were out.” He said with a slight smile.

“what?” I croaked, not quite understanding what he meant by, ‘while you were out’.

“Didn’t the nurse tell you? You’ve been in a coma for almost 6 months.” He said raising an eyebrow. I stared for a minute or two. Not fully understanding, like time had been paused and all of a sudden I had been hit in the head by a sludge hammer.

“no… that’s certainly news to me.” I said, then remembering what he said, “What's changed?” I inquired now curious, but he just smiled.

“I’ll let your family explain that when they get here,” he said, and walked out the door. I relaxed back into the bed. Not entirely sure what to make of the entire situation, and starting to get a headache from the suddenness of everything, I curled up and started to fall back asleep.


Zach’s POV:

I dumped the books I wouldn’t need for homework back into my locker and slammed it shut. I started walking towards the exit and noticed Dylan and Lynn running toward me.

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