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"How many more do you need?" Isabella called from within the shadowy cave. She had already passed out basket loads of explosives, but she wasn't sure how big they were planning for the explosions to be. Deckard and Owen had been transporting them in and out of the factory, thus keeping up an efficient chain. She could hear Hobbs hum in thought through the stone divide, "As much as we can get, just keep going." 

She sighed in exhaustion, her arms were crying out for her to take a break, but there was no time. Eteon were likely to be on their way, and without any guns, explosives were going to be one of their biggest defences. 

Isabella had never been a fan of small spaces, but the manual labour served as a great distraction. It wasn't until every single piece of dynamite had been passed through the small hole that she felt her claustrophobia setting in again. 

"That's everything! Please can I come out now!" Isabella called out, tapping her foot anxiously as she awaited a reply. Her ears listened out intently, but no voices met them. 

"Hobbs?" She shouted a little louder, looking up at the sheer wall and the tiny hole she had initially crawled through as worry flooded through her. Getting into the caved space was easy enough, she could drop into the bowl. Getting out would require assistance, she needed someone to pull her out. 

When there was no response the second time around, her heart began to race. "Hobbs, we don't have time for jokes right now. Please help me out!" She tried to think of how she could scale the wall, but she had passed out all of her leverage. It was a sheer surface, no amount of grip could allow someone to scale the height. 

With every passing moment, her throat swelled and her hands trembled a little more. Her watch, of course, had no service. They had left her under the Samoan cliffs in a condensed crevice without any way of escape. Tears prickled her waterline, a state of panic overcame her suddenly. 

One minute she was formulating a plan of action, the next she was slumped on the floor crying. Isabella had no idea how long she had been there for, but through her panicked sobs, she finally heard a voice, "Isabella, grab my hand." 

It was Hobbs. Wherever he had disappeared off to, he had returned. She peered up through her watery eyes to see his forearm appear through the gap. He reached down as far as he could stretch and she shakily rose to her feet, grasping his arm tightly. 

He groaned slightly as he pulled her body weight up through the gap, helping her rise to her feet after she weaselled through the crevice. She was struggling to catch her breath as she stood within the tunnel. Hobbs looked at her with slight concern, "Sorry, Jonah gave me a shout." 

Isabella waved him off, his voice faint in her ears as she stumbled out of the tunnel. She needed fresh air, she needed to be able to breath properly; she had never felt intense panic like it in her life. 

She threw back the sheet that covered the exit back into the factory, the brightness of the light hitting her suddenly. The noise increased momentously, but all she could focus on was getting outside. The more she focused, the less she could breath. How silly it would seem, she could survive the guns and the explosions; it was her own phobia that could cause her the most harm. 

Deckard loaded the final basket of explosives onto a truck; many of the Samoan locals had decided to help. They were essentially creating a large minefield along one of the dirt tracks, a trap that Eteon likely would not expect. 

As he turned back to the factory to continue preparations, he noticed a familiar figure staggering out of the main doors. Isabella was clutching her chest, tears streaming down her cheeks as she went. His expression dropped in a second. 

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