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"I thought you were dead." Isabella stated softly as she and Blake walked side by side ahead of the others. Hobbs decided that he wanted them to go back to check on his men first before Blake told his story in full. Therefore, they had a little trek along the dirt path back to the factory ahead of them. 

"I know, I'm sorry Belle, but I will explain everything." Blake promised, sending a sorrowful glance towards his little sister. As part of his role in the CIA, Blake had been on many undercover missions, but the Eteon task was by far the worst. 

"Why are you walking like that?" He questioned, watching with furrowed brows as Isabella limped slightly, struggling to put all of her weight onto her left foot. Isabella winced as she looked down at her foot, "I think I sprained it on the landing. That's what I get for jumping out of a helicopter I guess." She chuckled at the absurdity of it all. 

"Do you want me to carry you?" Blake asked, to which Isabella assumed he was joking. However, before she could shake her head, she was swept off of her feet as he threw her over his shoulder. 

Her shriek startled the four walking a distance behind them. Deckard's head shot up at the potential danger, only to feel his heart beat decrease when he realised there was no threat. 

"This is so strange, it's sweet, but it's strange. Do you really think we can trust him?" Hattie glanced warily between her two brothers. Deckard seemed unsure, but Owen shrugged, "I don't know, but I do know that if I tried to pick you up, you would literally murder me." 

Hattie rolled her eyes, "I wouldn't, we're close." She glanced at him in her peripheral, trying to work out if he agreed. 

Owen smirked, "Well in that case..." He lurched towards his sister, attempting to pick her up as she dodged out of the way quickly. "Don't you dare!" 

In order to avoid Owen she leapt on Deckard's back, surprising him to the extent that he stumbled forward a few steps, "Bloody hell, Hattie." But he steadied the pair of them nonetheless. 

"So you'll trust him, but not me. I see how it is!" Owen faked a strop whilst Hobbs couldn't help but chuckle at the three of them. "To say that you're some of the most dangerous people on the planet, you all really are childish." 

"I dare you to say that to me when I'm not giving my sister a piggy back." Deckard warned aggressively, but his words didn't have the desired affect, and even he himself knew it. He wrinkled his nose, "Yep, actually I hear it now."


After making it back to the house at long last, Luke was able to prise his mother away from ten minutes to allow the Shaws and Fords to have a debrief, something that was certainly needed after the years spent apart. 

"I completely understand that you don't trust me right now, I'm sure I wouldn't either." Blake began, staring around dubiously at his sister and former best friends. Regardless of her uncertainty, Isabella couldn't help but reach across the table, grasping his hand reassuringly. 

"I was sent undercover to find out about Eteon's developments. They weren't called that back then, they were black market scum, divided across the world. They certainly were not the organisation they are now, but still a hell of a force to be reckoned with." Deckard knew all of his, he'd dealt with them before, and yet Blake's story felt like a complete revelation. 

"They sent me because they had a trail, they thought they knew where our parents were." 

Isabella's heart stopped in her throat. She felt like she could throw up any second. 

"And they were right, I found them. But they weren't our parents by then, Bells. I don't know what they'd done to them. Maybe they were brainwashed, chemically indoctrinated, I don't know. But they were far beyond saving." Blake grit his teeth as he spoke, it was clear that trying to remember these things was certainly difficult for him, unsurprisingly so. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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