Chapter 4

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It was now the Friday of the winter formal and Peter still hadn't touched his phone, he missed tony like crazy, but he was hurt. He figured tony hadn't even responded to his last text. Ned had attempted to get him a date, but he just outright refused, he didn't want a date, not the one Ned had tried to set him up with anyways. He was standing in front of the mirror, looking at himself in his tux. Peter sighed, he looked good, but he really didn't want to go. His aunt called from the other room for him to hurry up he was going to be late.

Peter slipped his phone into his pocket, it was fully charged, just off, In case he needed it before walking out of his room.

From Tony: Peter, please

From Tony: I know you haven't read them yet but please talk to me

From Tony: I miss you

From Tony: Peter...

From Tony: please

Tony: you really are ignoring me aren't you?

From Tony: ...I hope your dance tonight is fun

From Tony: and I hope you're not being forced to go with someone that makes you want to crawl out of windows

Tony put his phone down, rubbing his face. He hadn't heard from Peter in days, and it was affecting his sleep and his routine. He missed him.

Peter just sat at the table, bored. He was trying to decide whether he wanted to turn his phone back on or not, He was worried that Tony hadn't texted him, that he really didn't care if Peter talked to him or not. With a sigh, he shoved the phone back into his pocket.

Tony groaned, finally giving up and pulling up a holo-screen. He looked up the information he needed before hurrying to put on a suit, pausing only for a moment before he tugged on a crimson shirt and gold tie under the blanket jacket. He ignored Pepper's curious stares as he grabbed his phone and wallet.

From Tony: look for the black, red, and gold

From Tony: I miss you

Peter gave in, turning on his phone and waiting patiently for it to power up. Once it did, the texts started pouring in, all from tony. Peter bit his lip, taking a shaky breath before reading them. His heart was aching by the time he got to the bottom. Confused by the message about gold, red and black.

Tony showed up at the dance looking around.

Peter locked his phone, he was going to message tony back when he got home. He stood up, looking around for Ned when he heard everyone start whispering and pointing towards the door. Peter turned to see what was going on and there was Tony Stark. His jaw almost dropped to the ground, tony was dressed in a black suit with a red shirt and gold tie. It took Peter's brain a moment, but it began firing again, He had told him to look for the red black, and gold. Found it. Peter was already blushing and chewing his lip nervously and Tony hadn't even seen him yet. This was going to end in disaster.

Tony slipped through the crowd, smiling pleasantly at everyone before he found Peter -so he looked up his picture. -He was not a stalker, shit up Pepper). He moved over. "Peter"

Peter let his eyes flicker up to Tony's face. "Hi." He said shyly, Tony was even more gorgeous in person than in the magazines he'd seen the man in. Tony smiled, holding out a hand. "Wanna dance or bail?" Peter chewed on his lip for a moment, he wanted to dance with Tony, he really wanted to dance with him.

"One dance?" He asked, taking Tony's hand slowly.

Tony smiled crookedly. " one dance, coming right up" Peter was sure his heart was going to beat out of his chest as he let Tony lead him out on the floor. Tony pulled him close as they started. "Breath" he reminded

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