CH 7

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(A/N:Should I keep Y/N an adult or make her a child?)

3rd POV

It was a peaceful day, Tohru was cleaning, Y/N napping on the ceiling, and Kanna was minding her business staring at the children who were walking by their apartment building.
Y/N quietly fell from the ceiling onto the couch as she rubbed her eyes.

Y/N sleepy eyes landed on Kanna.
" Kanna?...What are you doing?" Y/N yawned, walking to the balcony, hopping up on the box Kanna was standing on.
Y/N looks down at the children who were crossing.

" Oh their taking a walk, I wonder if we can join" Y/N whispered.

Kobayashi and Tohru watched the two closely, Kobayashi was the one to break the silent. " They've been watching school kids a lot, do you think they might want to go?" Kobayashi asked.

" Ms.Kobayashi it would be strange for Y/N to go because she's an adult, but would probably help her a lot being a demon does hold back some intelligence skills. For Y/N, being one of the princesses of hell, is even harder." Tohru explained.
(A/N:Y'all are princesses to me.)

Kobayashi looked at the two before puffing a sigh and getting up from her chair.

" Hey Kanna, Y/N.." Kobayashi called. Kanna and Y/N turned to see Kobayashi signaling to come here.
Kanna and Y/N hopped down from the box one by one.
" Hi Ms.Kobayashi, did you need something?" Kanna asked.

" No I was just wondering if you two wanted to go to school?"

Y/N.exe has stopped working. Y/N head was empty and could only hear 'go to school' echoed in her head.

" Ms Kobayashi hurry up! Come on!"
" Tohru come on walk faster!"

Those were the voices of Kanna and
Y/N begging Kobayashi and Tohru to hurry. " You two stop, you should really treat us with more respect."
Tohru scolded. Kobayashi was very confused as she read the list of items they 'needed' for school.
" I don't understand why you need all this just to go to school, I don't even think I can cover this-" Kobayashi complained but stopped when the world went black.

There was no one to be seen just darkness. While there was one person it was....ATHOUR CHAN!

" Hello Kobayashi!" Athour chan greeted. " What's going on!? Who are you?" Kobayashi panicked.
" No one! Just here to help with the money issue!" Athour chan said.
Kobayashi's wallet appeared in Athour chan hand. " Hey! My wallet-"

" Chill, I'm giving you money! To help with Kanna and Y/N and to get you a little something, if you know what I mean..." Athour chan giggled.
Athour chan then put ¥145,070.94 in Kobayashi's wallet and handing to her.
(That's 1250 USD)

" Umm...Thanks?" Kobayashi was very confused now. " Alright sending you back rrrrrrrright now!"
" Ms Kobayashi?" Tohru called out.
Kobayashi looks at her surroundings to see she was back at the mall.
" Is M'lady okay?" Y/N asked worried.
Kobayashi pat her head.
" I'm okay Y/N." Kobayashi said as they continue down the hall o the mall.


They walked in front of a cheap school supply shop. Kanna and Y/N little hearts have been broken.
" Yep this it! Ha how funny, this school supplies haven't changed one bit!" Kobayashi said.

"NO." Kanna and Y/N said in sync.
Kobayashi jumped back from shock.
" What!? Why no?" Kobayashi asked.
The girl lowered their head even more.
" Their not very cute." They said in sync.

" Oh Ms Kobayashi, you're so clueless! But don't worry about it though, I've got this!" Tohru said.


Tohru don't got this, she has taken them to a pet shop.
" Why did you take us here." Kobayashi said. " Because the feather that have been fluffed at this to time of year give the best len." Tohru explained.
" That's creepy." Kobayashi said.
Kanna and Y/N got more upset.
" No..." They whispered.


Our little home girl were about to cry their eyes out, they're finally found what they wanted.
Kanna and Y/N walked around the store until they found a odd looking pen. " Ms Kobayashi how do you use this?" Kanna asked.

Kobayashi took the pen from them and wrote on the paper using the different colors. " Well you just write with it."
Kobayashi said, Their eyes sparkled they've never seen a pen that could do that. " Though you two will be using pencil." Kobayashi said.

Tohru was also writing something, and was really doing ham on it. " Ms Kobayashi! How did I do!?" Tohru shouted, holding the paper that only had 'I love Ms Kobayashi'.
Kobayashi felt creeped out and Y/N scents it and hugged Kobayashi.
" You're making M'lady feel uncomfortable Tohru!" Y/N shouted.

" Excuse me!?"
" Ms Kobayashi what does this do?"
" Kanna what is that?"

" Ms Kobayashi!"

It's gonna get a long day for Kobayashi huh?

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