Chapter 1

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Beeep beeep, beeep beeep...beeep beeep, beeep beep

Jenna's alarm clock constantly rang , she slowly stretched her hand towards the wooden bed side table where her alarm clock was. She lazily aimed at it twice and missed, both times her hand fell somewhat lifelessly back to the bed. She made another frustrated attempt and ended up knocking it off instead, which was not her intention but it stopped the noise, so she was pleased. She effortlessly rolled her body back into the center of the bed and laid on her back with a pleased smile, her eyes still shut, with the intention to go back to sleep.

Like a suddenly rebooted robot, her eyes then immediately opened and she sat up quickly, as she remembered that she had a lot to do. She sprung from the bed, so quickly she became dizzy, she held her forehead and braced herself on to the wall. After regaining balance, she immediately went to the kitchen.

"coffee first....I need coffee" she said almost inaudibly.

While Jenna waited on her coffee she saw her reflection in a silver spoon that hung beside her cupboard, her hair was ruffled and messy, she had old mascara stuck to her face and her eyes were red and swollen from sleep deprivation.

Gosh! I look awful

She grimaced at her reflection as she blew a strand of hair away, that was dangling in the middle of her face. The scent of her morning breathe savagely hit her nostrils and she gagged, putting her hand over her mouth. She immediately went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

On a normal day Jenna looks quite beautiful. She has a captivating set of baby blue eyes and full lush lashes, she is five feet nine inches tall and has the body of model, with delicate silky smooth skin and tall dark brown, waist length hair. The past few days however, had been a roller coaster due to change of events in her life.

Jenna had recently gotten a job as Clair Beausejour's assistant, here idol, the owner of the multi-million dollar, award winning and one of the most popular fashion design company known in New York, Le Meilleur . Jennna had been working at Sterch Global for three years as an assistant, it was the only job she was able to find after she graduated University. She attained a degree in Fashion designing and had not been able to put her skills to work professionally.

Sophie's fiancé Jared who has a cousin that works at Le Meilleur told him about the opening , Sophie is Jenna's best friend , she knew Jenna's passion for fashion designing and how much she admired Claire Beausejour's and knew she would love the opportunity to work that close with her so she didn't hesitate to shared it with Jenna and that was how she applied.

When she received the call she was lost for words, ecstatic, overwhelmed and excited, as she applied with doubts as she though even being in the same building with Cliare Beausejour's would be like a dream come true. She knew it was not the ideal position but she believed it was a start and to be given the opportunity to work with such an legend, to her, words could not express how she felt.

Taking the job though, meant that Jenna would have to move to New York, and that would be in three days. She got the call three weeks ago, she thought she had enough time to get everything done and as such did not do much, but now, with so little time left to prepare, she had to try to get everything done in time. She had a lot of packing, planning and organizing to do and she was nowhere close to being ready, and to get everything done in three days seemed impossible.

After getting coffee Jenna stood in the center of the apartment and ran all her fingers through her tall silky brunette hair, stopping at the back of her neck with her hands in a clasp as she looked at all the boxes, clothes and items that were all over the place that she had to arrange, discard, pack or whatever she decided she was going to do with them. The thought of the busy days ahead made her frown. A minute later her phone rang, it was Sophie calling, she quickly answered the phone.

"I need your help! "Jenna shouted, imitating cry-baby sounds shortly after.

"Sheesh Jen are your trying to deaf me? what's wrong ?

"I have so many things to do.....and so little time, can you come over and help me please?

" I knew you needed me, I am already on my way, I'll be there in ten and I am bringing your favorite doughnuts"

"Awwww Soph, thank you so much! you are literally the best! did I tell you I love you lately? "

" Not enough!"

"I love you! I love you! I love you!__"

" alright! alright! I'll see you in a few.


Shortly after Sophie arrived

"Thank God you're finally here" Jenna exclaimed, immediately snatching the box of doughnut from Sophie's hand"

"You seem happier to see those doughnuts than you are to see me but hey" Sophie said raising both hands, standing in the same position she was in when Jenna snatched the box of doughnuts from her hands.

Jenna laughed, "Of course I am happy to see you , I am just hungry" ,she said muffled, as she already had a doughnut stuffed in her mouth.


A few minutes later Jenna was through eating and ready to get started.

"This place is mess!", Sophie said

"Tell me about it, lets get to it, shall we" Jenna said smiling at Sophie with the remote control in her hand turning up the volume of their favorite song, gently bouncing to the rhythm, moving towards Sophie.
Sophie quickly looked at her as soon as she heard the song and pointed and her, dancing towards her until the song finally started and they both started singing. ~Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars.~

"Doh doh doh, doh doh doh
Doh doh
Doh doh doh, doh doh doh
Doh doh
Doh doh doh, doh doh doh
Doh doh
This hit, that ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold
This one, for them hood girls
Them good girls, straight masterpieces
Stylin', wildin'
Livin' it up in the city
Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent
Gotta kiss myself, I'm so pretty
I'm too hot (hot damn)
Called a police and a fireman..."

They both sang, danced and packed, close to the end of the song, Sophie started crying, confused and worried Jenna quickly stopped the music, rushed to her and lowered her to the sofa where they both sat.

"What's wrong? Jenna asked, with a concerned look on her face, wiping the tears from Sophie's face with her thumbs.

Sophie looked up slowly and said "I'm gonna miss you so much you punk!"

Jenna leaned forward, her eyes teary as the feeling was mutual and wrapped her arms around her, tightly hugging her, as she closed her eyes the tears slowly cascaded down her soft cheeks as she somberly said, I'm going to miss you too Soph.

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