Chapter 4

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Jenna spent the rest of her day, putting things into place, she unpacked all her bags and finally finished  fixing up the apartment. She then sat down to sign the document that David  brought to her, which was eight pages long. By the time she was through, it was after four, she then decided to take a shower. 

After she got out the shower she dried her hair, wrapped herself in her towel and went to her bedroom to get dressed. She started searching for something to put on, she kept tossing pieces of clothing aside that she disapproved of onto  the bed. 

Why am I getting so worked up, he is just coming to pick up the papers.

She finally found a simple dress that she approved of, it was one of her favorite dresses, it was a fitted burgundy dress, that hugged her hips and waist perfectly, it was slightly above her knees, the sleeves were about an inch thick and it had a V cut stopping half way down her bosom.

She stood in front of the mirror and  admired herself for a while , turning constantly, inspecting herself from different angles she then  smiled with approval. After blowing out her hair she swerved it one side she then  took up her mascara to apply a light coat, before she could do so she stopped half way , still staring at herself in the mirror in sudden realization. 

What the hell am I doing ? 

She quickly put back the mascara, took off her dress and put on a light blue jeans and a  green T-shirt instead she also put her in a tight bun .She felt silly for trying to dress up to impress someone she barely knew, though strangely she felt drawn to him. She managed to convince herself it was the events from earlier in the day, the live porn scene and the fact that she hadn't had sex in so long was the reason for her sudden desire for attention.

She went to the living room and sat down to call Sophie, the last time they communicated was the day before when she had sent her a message.  She  really missed her and  decided to face time her instead of sending her a message. Sophie answered almost immediately when Jenna called, it was as if she was sitting by the phone waiting on it to ring.

" Hey!" She answered with just excitement and joy that it warmed Jenna's heart and caused a grin to be plastered over  her face. 

"I am so glad to see you ! I know it has just been one day but it feels so much longer, I miss you!, how is New York?"

" I miss you more Soph, and it is quite alright, A bit noisy but its alright, how's everything, where's  Jared?" 

"He's in the shower, we just got back from his mom's place... Oh! Oh! I have great news! she screeched.

Jenna swiftly sat up, her face lit up and her eyes widened with excitement and anticipation.

"What is it?

"We finally set a date for the wedding!"

"That's awesome! when is it going to be?"

" December twentieth, we want a Christmas wedding, what do you thin__

"Oh honey!" Jared teasingly called Sophie as he made his way from the bathroom , he didn't know she was on the phone, Sophie's face lit up  and her face was flushed immediately because she knew what that meant. 

"Umm...ah.. Jen I have to  go" she hinted at  Jenna raising her eyebrows a few times with a grin that went from ear to ear and  Jenna knew exactly what it meant.

" Go get some! one of us have to ! they both laughed and Sophie ended the call.

Jenna was happy for Sophie and Jared . They had been together five years, he was the best thing that happened to Sophie, and she admired the relationship they had. before he proposed he consulted with Jenna first, and she helped to make the moment special for Sophie, she even cried when it finally proposed, tears of joy because it was such a beautiful moment and she was overwhelmed with joy. She hoped to have something like they have some day with someone and in that moment as she sat on the sofa, while she was happy for Sophie she wished  she was not alone. 

A few minutes later she heard  knocking  on the door, she quickly checked her phone for the time and realized it was exactly five o' clock. 

This has to be David , well, he is quite punctual

She  quickly got up from the Sofa and went to get the door. When she finally opened the door, he stood there with both hands behind him , she noticed that he quickly examined her from head to toes and slightly smiled.

What is he smiling about?

She suddenly felt nervous again and  her cheeks became red, she quickly tucked a strand of ear behind her ear and looked away, something that she tends to do whenever she gets nervous. 

"Hi" they both said at the same time, the they both chuckled at the obvious unison.

"Oh the papers!" Jenna said, abruptly turning to get the papers from the kitchen counter, she then scurried back to the door and handed him the papers. He lifted his right hand to collect the papers, they were  both still holding on to the opposite end of the envelope, they stared into each other's eyes for a solid minute. 

Jenna quickly looked away and released the envelope, then  awkwardly said " All signed and sealed! making a fist, directing it sideways in an upper cut motion. 

Once more Jenna you managed to make a fool of yourself .

David smiled at her silliness, he found it quite amusing. He then removed his left hand from behind him that revealed  a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. 

" I brought you a house warming gift, to officially welcome you,  I figured since you're new in town you could use a gift and perhaps a friend" 

Jenna's face lit up , she though it was very thoughtful of him  and she did love red wine.  "Well thank you, you really didn't have to"

"I know, but I thought it would be a kind gesture"

"It is, thanks again,"

There was an awkward moment of silence between them, David had then place both hands in his pocket and Jenna was holding on the the bottle of wine. 

"....Do you....want to  come in?  I think it's best to drink wine with company, don't you think? and as my new friend, you couldn't possibly let me drink alone. "

" Oh most certainly not," he replied and they both chuckled.  He then removed his hands from his pockets and stepped inside. 

He delicately stepped in as if he was walking on fragile glass, his eyes were scanning  entire apartment in admiration.  Jenna had made huge changes to the apartment, it looked  more homey, cozy and elegant. He took a seat in the sofa as Jenna went to kitchen to pour the wine. When she returned she gently handed him a his glass and sat on the opposite side of the sofa. 

They were both sipping their wine, after a minute of silence David finally decided to break the ice.

"So, tell me, what bring you to  New York"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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