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Love & Loyalty

They rode in silence as the tires of the black suv began to slap the pavement through Miami . Her mind was in a world wind.  Crishon reflected back on her life and all that she had been through .

She remembered vividly when her a Meka turned the corner and found Pai looking for food out of the trash can . They'd been inseparable every since.

Crishon grew up with her mother . Crishons mother, Cassidy, had her young, so they'd pretty much grown up together . Cassidy spent majority of her time in the streets . Cassidy was a scammer and a thief and Crishon had gotten it honest from her especially when it came to a means of survival . Crishon met Meka through her mothers best friend, Tammy. Cassidy and Tammy ran the same game so Crishon and Meka spent a lot of time together alone , fending for one another . When they turned 13 Tammy was killed , she'd ran the wrong scam on the wrong mutha fucka . Cassidy spiraled after . One day she left the girls in the 2 bedroom apartment that she shared with her daughter and never returned.  It took Crishon and Meka about 2 weeks before they realized she wasn't coming back.  It didn't take long for them to follow in their mothers foot steps , not because they wanted to, but because they had to survive.  The girls continued going to school daily and taking care of themselves as well .

When the pair found Pai , she'd been on the runaway from home for about a week . Pai's mother was a heroin addict. She did whatever necessary to feed her habit . Including sell Pai to the local dealers . Pai had a hard life that she didn't ask for , and that was a part of the reason why Crishon loved her so much .

Crishon had vowed that they would have better , regardless of what the had to do to get better . Now they had it . Pai just couldn't seem to keep her nose clean. Meka had caught Pai using cocaine twice over the years , and though Crishon knew it, she still didn't want to believe it . Over the years Pai had grown a major coke habit but she attempted to keep it hidden well , from the girls at least .

The life of scamming and stealing was behind them . Crishon owned an online clothing store that was doing well , and Jameka owned a small bakery . Pai was the one who couldn't seem to get her shit together no matter how much they pushed her to.

The car pulled up to the town home that the women shared . Crishon and Jameka exited the car .

"Sincere said answer when he calls" Ace said to Crishon before she was able to fully get out of the suv and close the door . Ace held the phone to his ear , so she knew that Sincere was on the other end .

"Fuck Sincere , Respectfully." Crishon responded before slamming the door of the suv and walking away .

Crishon met Sincere when she was twenty one . Sincere knew who she was because he had heard her and her girls name in the streets . He took an interest in Crishon because she was different and she understood him . He respected her hustle and her being self made . Over the years the two had grown to love one another beyond measures . Crishon and Sincere had done the unthinkable together , and they'd gone through alot together . Shit that they were still dealing with . Shit that her girls didn't know anything about . Sincere made it known that Crishon wasn't to be fucked with , but they'd never actually gon public with their relationship. Many people speculated they were fucking , but nobody really knew the real . Nobody really knew how deep shit got between them .

Crishon had seen Sincere become a monster , she'd seen how wicked he could really get . She was always able to level him out and he appreciated that .

Sincere was big time . His money was long and he was that nigga . Had been that nigga since Crishon could remember . He was 26 and had been hustling since he was a teenager. Sincere didn't have much family outside of his daughter , Meiani. She was his only child , besides the child that he had miscarried with Crishon 2 years ago . No one knew about it . She didn't want anyone to know so he respected that . That didn't change the way that Crishon loved Meiani though, and that was one of the main reasons he loved her as much as he did .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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