Chapter 3

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Finally, a robot that is fit for its purpose. After years of studying and two years of trial and error, It's finally done. The blue light of Logan's eyes flickered as his eyelids closed and opened. Virgil had gone to work hours before, leaving Logan sitting on the couch for what seemed like forever with Roman. He could hear the soft pattering of rain outside the apartment as he laid in silence.

Where did I come from? Logan thought, lifting his hands up in front of his face. He bent and wiggled his metallic fingers, sliding his finger up the joints on his knuckles. Who created me? With a quiet whirring noise, he sat up. The ticking of a clock on the wall ran unending, tick, tick, tick. Logan turned to stare at the clock on the wall as it continued. Tick, tick, tick, tick, something about that noise got to him. That noise. I can't handle that horrible ticking.

The clock kept ticking with every second, as if counting down the hours till Virgil would return from the coffee shop. Logan suppressed a groan as he stared at the time telling device. It was a mechanism, just like him, but unlike Logan it knew its purpose. Not that the clock was sentient or self aware in any form. Logan didn't know who created him or what his purpose was, so how could this other creation just tick away so carelessly?

Logan gripped his shoulders, feeling vulnerable and confused. This clock was meant to tell the time,and that's what it was doing. Logan would love to carry out his duty, if only he knew what it was. The silver robot felt as if he was wired incorrectly, he had no recollection of who he was besides that his name is Logan and that he is a robot. Why would someone dump such a technological achievement such as myself? He thought crossly, before another thought reached his processor with dread. Unless... I was just a failure.

"Oh, hey Logan. I'm back." Logan turned to the voice. Virgil was standing in the doorway, his hair somehow messier than usual. "Welcome back, Virgil! Logan's just been standing there staring at that clock for, like, hours." Roman called from the kitchen. Logan blinked with confusion. Have I?

Virgil shrugged and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Logan sat down on the couch and watched as Roman skittered around the kitchen looking for the box of cereal that was already on the table. "I believe you've already gotten the cereal out." Logan said. Roman turned and spotted the box, "Thanks, Logan." He snickered, "It's like having another Virgil around, a Virgil that stares at a wall for hours without moving."

Logan scoffed slightly, "I was thinking. As a robot, I do not require sleep or food or need to do the things that humans must do to survive." Virgil opened the bathroom door, now out of his work clothing. "Woah, calm down, Logan." Logan stood up and turned to him, "Virgil, you agree with me, correct? Robots do not require the meaniel tasks of consuming food, sleeping for hours, It's just a waste of time. Robots are much more efficient."

Virgil shrugged, grabbing his shoulder. "I-I guess?" Roman piped up from the kitchen, shoveling cereal into his mouth. "Well, robots can't enjoy eating good food, or getting a goodnight's rest or a good dream." He snickered and looked at Logan. "Can robots enjoy anything? At all?" Logan scowled at Roman, "Robots can enjoy things! We have more time to enjoy things because we don't have to waste our time with menial tasks like eating."

Virgil rolled his eyes, "All right, Logan, we get it." Logan grinned proudly, "And robots can live forever, we just need to be repaired. Humans die so easily, it's pathetic honestly." Virgil scoffed, "We get it." Logan put his hands on his hips, "Robots are practically superior in every way! How do humans make something so much better than themselves?" Virgil dug his hands into his hair, "We get it, Logan!"

Logan paused, slightly taken aback. "Oh." Virgil clenched his fists hard with a groan. "You know what? Roman was right. You are just some random man in our apartment." Logan blinked his silver eyelids with confusion, "I already introduced myself." Virgil grinded his teeth, screwing his eyes shut. "Get out!" Roman sat, stunned. "Just leave! Go!" Virgil yelled with rage and hurt. Logan backed up slightly, feeling a sharp pain in his chest.

"I said leave!" Virgil cried, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. Logan turned away and began walking toward the door as a strange feeling within him made his chest ache. He twisted the shiny doorknob and stared out into the rain that he had heard pattering against the ceiling for so many hours before Virgil had gotten back home from work. Logan had waited so long for Virgil to return, like he couldn't wait to see him again, like something inside of him made him feel so attached to a person he barely knew.

Logan stepped out of the doorway, the heavy rain starting to soak into his clothing the moment he stepped foot into the open. Drops of rainwater rolled down his sleek metal face, as if he was crying. He closed the door behind him and sat down beside it, the rain bathing his body in cold water. The water droplets raced down his silver arms down to his hands, he looked upon his fingers and palms with a confusing emotion he'd never experienced. He clasped his hands together, feeling the cold metal dents and joints. The feeling of his sleek chilling exterior made him recall the day before. He had caught Virgil by the hand as he slipped. Logan felt a strange warmth in his face as he remembered the feeling of Virgil's hand, tender and... warm. Humans were so warm. How Logan longed to feel warm. Now Logan was as cold as ever.

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