(ch8) couple things?

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Please enjoy owowowowo~

Silas pov~
This dang phone
No matter where I look it dosent matter
It all gives me the same thing
Sexual attraction
Over and over and over again.
But love and like can't begin to explain this feeling.
It courses through me like crazy
It makes my heart pound and all I can think about is her
It makes me want to be good for her and relax
But... I want to watch her.
I don't want to leave her, I can't bare to step away for even a few seconds, and this phone won't tell me NO MATTER WHAT I SEARCH
And now it's pulled me into a stupid loop of date ideas and good romance movies
I should just stop now
"Oh, good cuddle starters" I said to myself as I read the entry
Wait what, since when do I want close contact .... I guess since I kissed her
In the spur of the moment I felt so alive
I felt happy and whole
My life was priced together and my heart ached but it didn't feel pain for once.
And so I did the most rational thing and asked her to date me.
Now I'm stuck with an unknown protective emotion, and loving her, while dateing her, but not knowing a single thing about being in a relationship
And what's more
She doesn't know either... I asked her on text.... But it's nice to know we can learn together
Getting back to the web page I looked at it and was beyond dissapointed
"Best cuddle starter, open your arms and say, hug me" and that was the only option there... It actually didn't sound to bad
"SILAS" the deep voice of my boss boomed over the office and I looked up to see the tall burly man approaching
"Where the heck have you been, I thought you walked out" he growled as he stood in front of my desk
"Personal matters sir" I said anf he sneered
When he looked at my hand to see the phone he growled again
He was keen on acting like a dog but I could handle it, he was all bark and no bite, absolutely pathetic if you asked me.
"Youve been on your device during all of work, you missed two days, and your constantly disrespectful, tell me why I shouldn't fire you now" he said while leaning on my desk to glare at me with eye level
I gave a sickening smile before turning off my phone and stowing it in my pocket
"With ALL due respect sir, I haven't missed a day in my entire four years of working here, not even while sick, I speak to you with the same tone you use with me and my work for today plus extra work that needed to be or was put off for free schedule workers, has all been completed, and you don't fire me because I'm the only worker that deal with you and gets their job done, in fact I'm your best worker without having to kiss peoples behinds all day, so 5 minutes on my phone, yes, yes I have been on it" I said and he gripped the desk tightly knowing how right I was
"Get back to work" he scoffed and stood up before proceeding to leave and scare some other coworker who was meek.
Rolling my eyes I picked up my phone again to notice a text from y/n
Lately I have been smiling whenever I see the nickname she put in on my phone for he contact
And it was nice to be honest
(Nickname) (n/n)🦋: hewow, hope your having a wonderful day, when ever you like you can come over today, I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me
I smiled at how she always greeted with a hello, she was always making sure I had or am having a good day, I liked it.

Silas: hey, my day is better now that you texted, how dose 8:00 (20:00) sound
I texted back and smiled as I saw the little dots immediately appear
She was always so quick to reply like she waited for me to text.
(N/n)🦋: you'll have to tell me what happened when we see each other, I'll get out the movies since I get off early and have a day off tomorrow
She was so cute sometimes
Silas:okay, sounds wonderful, see you later little butterfly ;)
I texted and that was the end of the conversation
Usually we would text for hours but now we just immediately schedule a time and talk in person, it's nice to be able to each other face to face.
And each second of the clock made me miss her more
I wonder what she's doing now
??? Pov~
I swear I didn't mean to, I just didn't like the way they walked that close.
It's normal
Totally normal to follow your crush when there doing ... Couple stuff with other people.
I was just shopping when I saw them walking together
I thought it was just a coincidence but then I saw them enter a diner... He OPENED THE DOOR FOR HER and she GIGGLED since when dose she giggle at people.
With a huff I turned on my heel
The pain in my chest was large but the anger in my head was bigger.
So I turned back around and found a discreet place to see inside.
When I saw them sit at a bench table they sat across from each other so it eased some of my worry.... Until that thief fed her a waffle fry.
She can eat on her own... That should be me feeding her like that.
My teeth clenched together an I watched as they both started to laugh and the waitress interrupted placing a shake in the middle of the table
I was huge and hardly meant for one person alone
And that's when it really hurt
They where drinking the shake
What is this some overly cheesy romcom from the 80s... I kinda wanna do that with her... Dang it man get your head outta the clouds they can't really be on some date.
Some stupid date
Doing stupid couple things
Stupid couple things that aren't stupid
Couple things that I want to do
Couple things that I want with her
Couple things he dosent deserve
I will get him back for this
And soon I'LL be doing those things with Y/n
All those stupid
Couple things

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