(ch18) Brotherly love

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I'm sorry

But get your Lynyrd Skynyrd album ready.


"Silas?" You questioned and his eyes went wide at the hurt in your voice

"What dose he mean?" You asked and Silas sighed

"Let me explain... He belongs to me" Alen said

"I do NOT, I've never liked you, I've never seen you as more than a brother, and you RUINED that when you kept killing everyone around me!!" Silas screamed

You gasped as you tried to take in yet again more information

"I'll explain AFTER I get him out of here okay y/n" Silas said by taking his eyes off Alen who's face turned angry and he charged at Silas

"WHY CANT YOU SEE" Alen started as he tried to knock Silas out only to have his hand stopped by a swift punch to the wrist that Alen flinched away from

"Why can't you see... We were destined for each other" Alen said quietly as he made an attempt to plunge the knife into Silas

The attacks became more brash, as he lunged at Silas who only defended himself.

" Because I don't love you like that... I love you as a brother" Silas said as he attempted a stab to the stomach

Alen repelled back as if the knife had crushed his very soul when it almost hit him

"Why ... Don't you love me" Alen said as he seethed in anger

"Why do you mean?" You asked from the corner of the room

Alen laughed without humor as he walked slowly towards the doorway ready to get out of here

"I... I thought he was supposed to be made for me the moment he walked in our home... We did EVERYTHING together... And when he was interested in one girl I couldn't take it... I couldn't take it anymore... I killed her, and I finally told him... But he dosent ever accept my feelings no matter what I do... Why can't you just love me... We could be happy together... We could get married... Maybe not legally because of your adoption papers but we could still be together...why did you have to chose her, I thought that you'd kill her when she found the basement but NO, I'm came to see her chained up to the wall like you were actually going to keep her, I thought ANY minute now he's going to kill her... But you hugged and cried... Why can't I just HAVE YOU" he clenched his fists around the knife he held while backing out the door

"This... This isn't over... You'll realize your mistake of not choosing me and you will realize it soon

Silas growled at him still prepared to defend you in any way he could

But Alen just backed out the doorway and went out the nearest window without a word

"Silas... What's going to happen" you said barely above a whisper

"... I'm going to protect you... And he wont lay a finger on you" Silas said and walked over to you before pulling you in

"Your mine... All mine" he whispered before planting a kiss on your temple

You just let yourself sink into his touch with a frown etching your looks

You didn't do anything

Why you ask

Because this was a hell of a relationship you'd gotten into.

Serpents Smile (yandere male x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now