The Sleepover

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Few minor details...In this stroy each school during this time of year sends groups of students to each others school. Students are required to go.

That's about it I guess. 

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Kagayama's pov.

"So...I saw iwazumi-san and Okinawa-san at the store, while picking up some milk...they just hot...I couldn't even talk to them..I even forgot to get my mil-"                                                        

He was cut of by a boy from a school across town...he was coming to kind of look around the school. (...Aobi Josehi was supposed to be there too..)  Little did Kageyama know...Iwaizumi and Oikawa were listening around the corner.

"So u go to this dump?" The boy that had bright red hair asked.

'It's not a dump...' Kagayama thought. "So what if i do..?" "Why's it you business?"

"Oh...we've got a feisty one.." The boy with the red hair spoke again. "'ve got quite a girly face for a boy, you know that?"

"I've been told...what of it..?" 

"Just that I bet u would pass for one."

'He best keep his distance if he wants to keep both his hands.' Iwaizumi thought. Oikawa had similar thoughts.

"So...what's that to u?" Kagayama responded.

The red haired boy spoke again. "Why don't u agree like a good boy and go on a date with me. Hmm?"

'Excuse me!?' Oikawa thought. 'Reject him Tobio!' Oikawa was starting to get visibly pissed.

"Yeah sure." Kagayama said.

'What!?' Iwaizumi thought starting to get shit mad. Oikawa was about to jump out and pounce on the red haired boy.

"Great when?" The red haired boy asked. As he smirked.

"How about...never?" Kagayama replied blank faced.

"Great—wait!what!" Red replied. "You son of a bi—" He started but got cut of by Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

"U heard him. So piss off." Iwaizumi said while walking towards Kagayama. Then he stood straight in front of him so he was between the red haired dude and Kagayama . "That's get lost." Oikawa said.

Kagayama was visibly confused and surprised that they were both there. "What are u two doing here?" He asked.

That's when Oikawa got closer to him. "To help u out with this shithead. Besides it's our turn to explore this school of urs." He said.

"O-oh..okay..well." Bows. "Hope u enjoy ur time here, and please if either of u need any help then come to me." He said.

"Yeah sure. Thanks Tobio." Iwaizumi replied.

"Well that's the same whenever u come to our school. Okay Tobio-chan?" Oikawa said while smiling.

"Y-yeah, I will, thanks." Kagayama said in response. "Anyway..I gotta get home.."

"Oh more thing Tobio-chan."


"Yeah..the principle said that we should stay the night at a friends house that is close to your could we maybe bunk at ur place tonight..?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Oh!Uh..sure. I guess that wouldn't be a problem.."

"U sure..don't u gotta ask ur parents?" Iwaizumi asked.

"No...I don't have parents.." he replied.

"W-what do u mean!?" Oikawa kind of shouted.

"Quiet shittykawa." Iwaizumi said while slapping the back of Oikawas head.

"Owwww!! Mean iwa-chan!" Oikawa yelled.

"Hahaha.."Kagayama laughed. "It's fine...I'm pretty much used to this by now. I mean people asking were my parents are..." He said with a weak smile.



"Oh come on...don't go dead silent on me!" Kagayama said. "Okay...just come on." They went to his house and he opened the door. "Just make ur selfs comfortable."

"Sorry for intruding!" Both iwa and Oi said as they went in.

"So..there are a few things u should both know before u enter my school.." Kags said.

"What's that?" Oikawa replied tilting his head.

"Like..the rooftop..stay off there, that's were the so called 'ganges' hang out. Avoid the bathrooms please that's were people get...u know...also...don't go near class 3b..there's this dude that's..a real jerk.." Kagayama said.

"Has he been bothering u?" Iwaizumi asked.

"N-no.." Kagayama replied while looking down.

"No need to lie Tobio-chan." Oikawa said. "It's okay.."

"What kind of trouble is it..?" Iwaizumi said.


"It's okay...ur okay Tobio...take as much time as u need.." Oikawa said.

'He never calls my name without chan behind it.' Kags thought. "He..He r-ra-..." He replied with tears that started rolling down his face.

"It's fine Tobio...u don't have to say it.." Iwaizumi said. 'That son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill his sorry ass.' He thought

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