Up all night

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It was after the sleepover when marciline arrived at her house with Bonnie. Bonnie kept on talking and talking about how "fun" the sleepover was but I was in denial. "I mean it was okay" I mumbled, "Marcy I knew you had fun If you didn't you would probably going to my room doing nothing but being boring" Bonnie said. "Okay, okay I admit it, it was kinda fun I guess" Marcy replied

After there talk they walked in Marcy's home. For some reason Bonnie always loved the graffiti home sweet home rug in front of Marceline's door. "So watcha want to do bon-bon" Marcy said as plopping on to the red couch. "Well duh I want to talk of what you and marshall did in the closet!!!!" Bonnie happily said. "Stop fan girling I'll tell you" I started to get flashbacks about the sleepover and what marshall and I did in the closet. "It was nothing, we just talked and stuff" Marcy
"WHAT TYPE OF STUFF, wait did you" Bonnie said
"NO, It wasn't like that" Marcy said. " Well did you kiss him? Spill the beans" Bonnie said. "Yes I did kiss him, I kinda on accident told him I like him." Marcy said
"What Marcy your first kiss" Bonnie said with such excitement " It wasn't my first kiss Bonnie, as much as I want to forget about Ash I can't" Marcy said. Bonnie could tell Marcy was feeling sad. "I'm going to check the mail, k" said Marcy. She walked over to the mailbox, and saw a little envelope in the back of her mailbox. "Who is it from?" Bonnie asked. "Marshall, I wonder what it says"

time 8:00pm until everyone wants to leave
Tee hee
Land of AAA lake drive

What you can bring

"Wow are you sure want to a party Bonnie there might be alcohol" Marcy said sarcastically
"I had a glass of, of ummmmmm" Bonnie started to stutter. "You had wine, remember you had that before, anyways you have to drink anyways" Marcy said. "Good I don't want the candy people to know that I have been drinking" Bonnie said. "Don't worry the candy people understand" Marcy said "so when is the party" Bonnie asked. "It's um, tonight" "What we literally just had a sleepover"Bonnie said looks like she was shocked. "Calm down Bonnie it's at 8:00pm so it's going to be fine. "But, what if.." Bonnie started to stutter agian. I walked over to Bonnie and put my hands on her shoulders "Bonnie if anything bad happens at the party I'll be there, okay." "Okay" I see Bonnie looking at me all happy and stuff. She hugged me. "Okay, bonding time is over let's take a nap then head to the party" Marcy said.

[Marshall PoV]
It was 8:00pm and people started to arrive I still haven't seen marciline or Bonnie. "Hey bubba" "yeah what's up" said bubba he was hold a glass in his hand it had red wine. "Have you seen Marcy or Bonnie yet?" "No I-" that's when we heard a knock on the door. I opened the door then saw Bonnie and Marcy with strawberries and beer. "Hey guys come in"
[Marcy PoV]
When I walked in the house I heard loud rock music and I saw Fiona, Finn, flame princess,flame prince and bubba.
I set the beer and the strawberries by the snack table and saw All my friends dancing marshall saw me "what do you not know what to do at a party too" marshall said sarcastically as he held his hand out and didn't wait to hesitate and pulled me in the mini dancing group.

Everyone knew how to dance even Bonnie, bonnie danced over to me and asked if I didn't know how to dance. I trust Bonnie so I told her I didn't know how to dance. "Just go with the beat, we are your friends we don't care how bad you dance. I laughed at Bonnie and started to dance, "woah your good at dancing, for the person who said they can't dance" said Bonnie.
"I'm not that good" I said
"I think are opinions are good enough" said Marshall that was dancing next to me.
"Guys lets dance circle" Said Fiona. Everyone else was all for dancing in a circle where everyone is surrounding you, but I'm not. "I'm going to go grab a drink" I popped open a can of beer and took a couple sips then left it on the table.
It was 10:00 and flame princess and flame prince left.
Marshall grabbed a beer and chugged it without a break. "Yikes, this isn't going to end well" I told Bonnie
"it will be fine" said Bonnie then I heard a movie playing bubba, Fiona, Finn and Marshall were sitting on the couch me and Bonnie went over and asked what movie there watching. It was a scary movie I had to watch this. I sat down next to Bonnie and Marshall, "so what movie is this" I whispered to Marshall. "Heat run, you know it" he whispered in my ear. "Yeah, I seen it once it's been a while though"
it came to one of the jumps cares "I let out a scream as well as Bonnie and Fiona. I didn't mean it but I jump into Marshall's arms and kinda just stayed there his arms were warm so it was kind of like a heating pad. I felt is arm wrap around my waist. He was actually kinda sentimental, I gave him a kiss on a cheek and rested on his shoulder. "You know to night wasn't to bad."


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