Chance (Last Part)

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Chance (Last Part)

"Wendy.. No why are you doing this? What the hell!" Daniel yelled at Wendy, crying.

"No! I'm not gonna break up with you, Wendy. Why are you doing this? Are you crazy?!" Daniel is mad. So mad.

Then he thought of something.

"Did.. Did Jihyo told you something? Tell me, Wendy! Did Jihyo told you something for you to act like this? Did she?!"



"No! Daniel please let me explain first!"

"I.. I didn't like how you lied to me, Daniel. Why did you h-have to lie? I-I asked her if you dated anyone before me. She said yes. Daniel, it might be a small thing for you but for me, it's not. I feel like you're hiding something from me. I feel that you lied to me.. You told me that you didn't date anyone before me. But you did. And that made me felt like you still love her. That you... You still want her. Daniel... It's so hard to explain.."
Wendy told him while crying so hard.

"I.. I also heard from Jihoon that.. you.." Wendy could hardly speak because she's sobbing.

"You had a-.. A wife. You.. Daniel, you were married? Please.. I'm so confused. I feel so clueless about you. About your life. Please.. Enlighten me." Wendy said and waited for him to speak up.

"Wendy. If I tell you everything, will you still break up with me?" Daniel asked, but Wendy didn't answer.

"Fine.. About 10 or 9 years ago.. I read my father's last will. You know about this, right? That I'm his only heir of all his properties. But I can't get all of that unless I'm.. Married. So I courted someone. I picked her because she's the only one I know that will be perfect for me. I had no plan of loving her, but I did everything for her to marry me. In our first anniversary, I proposed to her.. And she said yes. I married her, we married each other. I knew she loved me.. But all I did was to play with her. I used her. I used her to get everything. She found out the truth and.. Broke up with me. She filed an annulment. And I... I thought I'll be okay without her, so I signed the papers. But my life was the complete opposite. I went miserable and missed her everyday like crazy. All I did was drink, and my company almost went downhill. But I moved on... And I found you." Daniel told her. Not the whole story of course.

"Who si she? Who's the girl you picked, courted, got into a relationship with, you did everything for her, the girl you proposed to, the girl you married, the girl you played.. the girl you missed and loved.. Who is she?" Wendy asked.

"She... she..." Daniel couldn't say who it is.

"Who?! Tell me, Daniel!"

"Why do you have to know?!"

"Damn! I don't like this, Daniel! I don't like the way you're lying to me with everything! Do you want me to lie to you, too?! To know the feeling. To know this feeling I'm feeling right now. Daniel... I feel like a fool. "

"That girl... Jihyo."

Daniel froze.

"She has a daughter. And earlier... As I watch you two enjoy playing, I felt.. I felt that you also wanted a daughter, just like that little girl. Tell me, do you want a child?"

"Why are you asking me this? Wendy you're making me confused!"

"Just answer the damn question, Daniel!"

"Yes! I do! I want a child. I want a daughter or a son. A baby. And I want you to be the mother. Now will you explain why are-"

"Let's break up."

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