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WALKING AROUND the school's courtyard along with Soojin, Sooah, and Jukyung, Bora kept her head down staring at her feet as the words from her old friend replayed in her head making her feel worse as the day went on, even though she let all her emotions out inside the girl's bathroom, she still felt bad,

Soojin glanced at her short friend sensing her off mood she offered Bora a chip holding it up to her mouth, Bora looked up and bit the chip from Soojin's hand before looking back down the other chuckled at her as she wrapped her arm around her shoulder. Soojin will have to ask Bora what happened later

"I guess I can't go to college by flunking math. " Jukyung spoke up as they walked. "Just get good scores on other subjects." Soojin said looking over at her. Jukyung looked down sulking "I'll never make it into college." This earned a chuckle from Bora.

"Why don't you join our math academy? You too Bora you should join even though you're already good at math." Soo Ah spoke up looking away from her phone and at the two girls. Bora refocused upon hearing her name making her look up at Soo Ah who sent her a warm smile. "Both Soojin and Suho take classes there." hearing the name of the person Bora hated most at the moment made the girl scoff, it didn't go unnoticed by the others.

Bora was more angry than sad about the whole situation that had happened with Suho, doesn't he know that he's not the only one hurting and suffering? Honestly, pushing others away who are trying to help is such a jerk move to do.

"Suho." Soojin spoke causing Bora to look up again, noticing that they had all stopped walking and were now standing in front of Suho who was sitting on one of the school's benches. "speak of the devil" Bora thought as she looked at him.

the two made eye contact, she looked away and he looked back down at his book. "I'm going bye." Bora said grabbing her friend's attention as she unlatched her arm from Soojin's "But we still have a good hour left?" Jukyung commented looking at Bora and then at Suho who was doing his best to ignore the girls in front of him.

"I'll go take a nap to kill time," Bora said as she walked away heading back inside the school trying to ignore the heating of her face and the burning of her eyes, she picked up her speed with clenched hands

"What's wrong with her?" Soo Ah asked as she watched her friend walk away Soojin sighed. "I don't know, she was in such a good mood this morning." Soojin wanted to go after Bora and asked what was up but something else occupied her mind at the moment.

"Right Suho, want to join a study group, we have room for one more," she asked and the group's attention went back to the boy sitting down in from of them. "No." Suho responded looking back down at his book.

Something was bothering him Jukyung and Soojin could tell right away, sure Suho was always cold and closed off but something was different the two girls couldn't help but worry.

When Bora reached her homeroom she opened the door and slammed it shut stomping over to her desk and throwing her body in the chair, she buried her head in her arms. was the dramatic entrance really necessary? no, it wasn't and while doing so she disturbed another person.

somebody just like her who wanted to get away from people

"Yah! What's wrong with you?" Seojun asked as he stared at Bora, who only ignored him and laid her head back down on the desk.

"tsk" Seojun rolled his eyes and got up grabbing his jacket, he was annoyed that his nap was disrupted even more annoyed at who disrupted his nap. Standing up he was ready to walk out of the room when a sniffle caught his attention.

Seojun looked at Bora who continued to sniffle he silently walked over to her desk a foreign feeling in his chest as he watched the girl cry. "Hey, Min Bora if you're gonna cry do it somewhere else you're disturbing the peace." he said looking down at her.

What worried Seojun the most was when Bora didn't fight back like how she usually would and the fact that she was crying in a public space. so he knows that something bad must have happened to get her like this.

Seojun chuckled as he grabbed his jacket and gently placed it on her so it would lay on top of her head he walked out of the classroom shutting the door behind him and giving the girl some privacy.

Seojun ran his hand through his hair as annoyance filled him, well there goes his plans for an afternoon nap.

A few minutes before class started back up Seojun walked back inside the homeroom his eyes scanned through the room and stopped on a familiar figure she was still in the same position as early but the crying as definitely stopped

Seojun walked over to her placing a bottle of water and some wipes on her desk, Bora slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him. "Here I got you some things, class is about to start soon." Seojun said as he avoided looking at her. "Thank you," Bora said her voice was hoarse and it made him cringe a little, what happened to make her like this?

Bora was so strong and positive she always looked on the bright side of any situation she was never one to get depressed and sad, so this was so out of character for her.

You couldn't blame Seojun for worrying even if they weren't close anymore and even if they hated each other.

Bora looked down at her phone to check the time, class was in fact about to start soon she grabbed the things Seojun handed her and quickly walked out of the room heading towards the bathroom to freshen up only a few more hours and school would be done for the day.

walking back into the classroom which was now filled Bora walked down the rows of occupied desks to the empty one that was hers. She sat down and started to get prepared for class when a tap on her shoulder caught her attention.

Bora looked up to see a worried-looking Soojin "Are you ok?" she asked looking over her friend, Bora smiled.

"Yes, I'm fine Soojin just a bit tired that's all." Bora smiled and turned around getting her books out. Soojin still watched her

"Hmm ok, here I got your favorite snack," Soojin said placing a bag of chips on her desk. "Thank you, you see Soojin this is why we are meant to be together." Bora smiled grabbing the chips and placing them in her bag. Soojin rolled her eyes happy that her friend was starting to cheer up.

"Nice jacket." Soojin commented before turning back around as the teacher walked in and class started

"Thank you-" Bora looked down she didn't remember putting on a jacket this morning but then it hit her. She turned her head and looked in his direction, the two made eye contact causing Bora to snap her head back in front with an all-too-familiar feeling filling her chest

Oh, how she wished this day would end already.

Storming love  - Han SeojunWhere stories live. Discover now