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i see  her in my dream every day and night i just see her even if i take just naps she appears is like am falling in love with someone i made up osmeone that is just in my mind but also somehow earned her way to my heart .

i walk around in school after just waking up thinking of her face smiling to my dumb self . "imma go eat guys " i say to the guys and wave bye making my way to the outside of the school to sit alone and think by myself  for onces.

i keep walking but the most weird thing happen she was there in real life there infront of my face like it wasnt a lie or anything it was real ...i walked up to her slowly and the first thing she says is " hey yugyeom finally you came over i been waiting for you " i get shocked by this and laugh at myself i blink a few thousand times and look at her again with her beautiful sparkling eyes and pretty smile "so you know me " i ask confused "yeah dummy form my dream you inbtroduce your self but am not trying to sound weird please " she smiles slightly and interwind arms with me"Come on we have to talk " she said and started to walk with me 


i jsut follow her surprised "so you called me by your dreams " she asked and looked at me i look at her "i think so " i said unsured  she smiled and kissed my cheek " do you know now " i was madly shocked i smiled and nod like a bubble head she giggles a bit and holds my hand and start walking again " i been dreaming of you too you know " i look at her shocked but keep walking still a lil bit shocked form the kiss "you have " i ask " yep i have and i want to be your real girlfriend cause in the dream we are but iws not real but here i want to be it for real " she smiles at me i lok at her surprised " so i really ave does feelings from the dream do you too " i ask she stops me and hugs me "yes i do i love you with all my heart yugyeom " surprised at this i hug her back she was soft and huggable she fit right into me i smiled "and i love you more "i whispered to her she looked at me with sparkling eyes i slowly leaned in and kissed her .

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