Chapter 4:Coward

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Uppon opening his eyes echo had realized he was still alive. The demon was gone and so was the City. Without realizing echo's fear had caused him to teleport away. He was now somewhere snowy. He could barely see his own hand because of the snowstorm around him. Luckily his body was immune to the cold, he got up on his feet and looked around yet he still couldnt see a thing "where am i?" he mumbled to himself "welcome to the everwhite lands" Echo recognized the voice it was the one frome that Black Place. "That place where we met it was my Mind wasnt it?" He asked "Exactly Echo, im just a past memory wich you do not remember but ur mind does" the voice spoke in an amused tone "go left Echo, if you go forward you will fall in a lake and since the water is so cold u wont be able to swim, to the right you'll find nothing"  The voice now was back to its seriouse tone "but im immune to the cold so the water shouldnt be a problem" Echo responded.  "Well yes and no if some things are too cold your body will Freeze and stop moving you'll drown and die as a coward not being able to grow a spine for once" he wasnt sure if the voice was helping or mocking him As echo proceeded to the left.

Minutes of silence have passed as echo began to speak "i wanna go Home...your right i am a coward i shouldnt be here!" He said as tears formed in his eyes "your wronge Echo, your stronger then you think and wenn the time comes you'll realize what powers hide inside you all you have to do is wait and go forward and meanwhile also try not to die" the voice now spoke in a carring tone as echo kept pushing forward "Stop." as the voice said that Echo instantly stopped.

Infront of him was a cave was he supposed to go in there?

"Go in Echo" the voice gave him orders but he hesistated
"Dont hesistate, i will guide you" the voice had this sound of patience in it
"How can i know u arent lying?" echo asked
"If you die i'll die remember im part of your mind now echo go in i am with you"
Taking a deep breath echo enterd the cave

the echo of death:road to hellWhere stories live. Discover now